Chapter 2

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A/N: The picture is Sunny

(Sunny's POV)

I had left my sun hat and basket at father's ship so I decided to just look around. I made my way along the stands of food and other assortments of items. I was about to pass by a small pub and grill, but decided to go inside to take a break. As soon as I entered, all eyes were on me, the people stared for about ten seconds then they went back to yelling and drinking. I sat down on one of the stools by the bar.

"What would you like Miss?" The bartender questioned, casually drying a cup.

"If you have an apple, that would be fine thank you." He nodded then disappeared into the back room.

As I silently waited, a boy with a straw hat and raven hair sat beside me. He impatiently waited for the bartender to return. Once he did, he set the gleaming red apple in front of me.

"it's on the house." He said kindly.

"Thank you, but are you sure?" I questioned.

"It's quite alright Miss." He then went to take the order to the boy beside me.

"Can I have some meat!?" He exclaimed excitedly, the bartender simply nodded once again and disappeared into the back again. The boy laughed to himself as he waited. I took a bite of my apple.

'I feel like I've met him before, not only that but he looks so familiar, but from where?'

"Uh... Hello? Miss? Are you okay?" I noticed a moving hand in front of my face.

"Huh, oh yes, I'm fine thank you." I glanced at the clock and froze, I had about five minutes to get back to the dock. I quickly got up leaving a tip and ran.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I heard the boy yell to me, but I continued to run.

(Rachael's POV)

I was looking around the ship but found nothing, no berries, no gold, not even any food.

"This is hopeless."

"What is? The fact you can't find anything on our ship?" I froze at the voice, then felt the tip of a sword on the back of my neck.

"How about I leave and we forget like this whole thing never happened?" I gulped hoping for the best.

"Fat chance pirate, put your weapon on the ground and follow me with your hands up." I dropped my sword and put my hands up.

"Happy?" I stated.

"No, now your pistol." He pressed the sword farther, almost cutting my neck. I reluctantly pulled my gun from my vest pocket. "Now follow me." He lead me to dim room, tying my hands behind my back.

(Sunny's POV)

I didn't realize where I was until I stopped to breathe. I looked around trying to find where I entered, buth there were so many. I got interuped by voices.

"She's a nice one, think the boss'll be happy?"

"Looks pretty young to me."

"A girls a girl, don't make a difference."

I saw shadows move along the walls making my skin crawl, and a feeling of dread wask over me, then I saw the me they'd belong to. I tried to turn and run anywhere but here, but every enterance was blocked. Tears brimmed my eyes, I couldn't get away.

"Hey, Miss!" I heard a familiar voice from earlier, but couldn't put a face to it. I saw the straw hat boy push aside one of the men and ran up to me.

"You dropped this." He smiled big as he held my golden sun clip, I gasped.

"Th-thank you."

"Hey kid scram! You shouldn't be in the part of town." A man grabbed my arm and yanked me back, dropping my clip.

"Let go of me!" I tried to pry his hand off my arm, but his grip only tightened. I was too focused on trying to get free that I didn't notice the boy pull back his arm to punck the man.

"She said, Let Go!" He then punch the man square in the face. I broke free and grabbed my clip, standing up again. I felf an arm wrap around my waist firmly, I was about to scream but the air was caught in my throat as we were shot upwards. I shut my eyes as tight as whoever was holding me. I felt my stomack change positions as we fell downwards.

'I swear I'm gonna die! Gonna die! GONNA DIE!' I mentally screamed.

"You can open your eyes now." I heard the voice of the boy, I shakily opened my eyes looking around, seeing that we were on something solid. "By the way, my names Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy!" He smiled big.

"Oh, uh mines Sunny." I kindly smiled back.

"Oh yeah, you dropped your clip again." He held out the clip, I took it, gingerly placing it back into my hair.

"Thank you Luffy for saving me back there, I am in your debt."

(Rachael's POV)

"How long must I sit here?" I complianed to my captor.

"Until the captain comes back." I groaned at that comment. the heard a loud thud above my head, "And I believe that's him. C'mon get up."

I stood up and started walking, the blood quickly rushed to my head making me feel dizzy. I stumbled a bit almost falling over but my captor caught me. I finally got to see his face.

'He's actualy kind of cute, and he has green hair! I wonder if its soft?" I thought taking a glance at him every so often.

A/N: Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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