Chapter Seven

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"Nice job Izuku!" Toga says, fist pumping the air.

"Thanks..." I reply, not really paying attention to her.

"What happened, something on your mind?" She asks, looking curious.

I let out a sigh, "Not really... I was just thinking how I really am a villain after all my heroic talk."

"You're a villain now, that's all that matters. You've got a new name, a new life, so forget your past, just move on. Right now, what matters is the present." Dabi says, coming out of his room.

"You're right, I shouldn't dwell on unnecessary things," I get off the couch I was sitting on, "I'm going out, if I'm allowed."

"Of course, we trust you, you're not a prisoner." Tomura says, while watching some T.V.

"Wait, let me come with you." Dabi says.

"Okay, let me grab a sweatshirt first." I reply, heading into my room. I grab a black hoodie with dark gray lines wrapping around it, kid of like my quirk. While I'm in my room, I grab a mask, just in case if I run into trouble. I exit my room, and head over to Dabi.

Dabi's also wearing a black hoodie, but it has dark blue flames on it, perfect for his quirk.

I put on my sneakers, that make me look taller, and head out with Dabi. I don't really know why Dabi asked to come with me, I just wanted some fresh air, maybe go for a run.

"Hey Dabi, why did you come with me?" I straight up ask him.

"Dunno, just felt like you might get into some trouble, anyways, I'd like to hear more about your high school experience? Any crushes?"

"Getting information for Toga?" I joke.

"Well, I'm genuinely curious, but keep this a secret between us, All for One thinks it's best if you're not reminded of high school. Since you might change your mind."

"Well, I can't really change my mind now, can I? If I go back and confess, I'll probably still be charged. Anyways, there wasn't much in high school that you already don't know about, but as far as friends and crushes and stuff, I had a few friends. Tenya Iida, Ochaco Uraraka, who I had a slight crush on, and Shoto Todoroki."

"So you did have friends, well, what are you going to do if you encounter them sometime?"

"Well, I haven't really thought about that, I'll just do whatever I need to do, I don't really feel any compassion towards them anymore. They might've been my friends before, but you guys are my friends now."

Dabi smiles, "That's a good response... and you promise to never leave us...?"

"Of course, I'm in far too deep now." I smile.

"Izuku, you do know if you go back, you could just blame us? Say that you were brainwashed by us.

I seem taken aback, "Of course not! I promise you, I'm not a hero anymore, and I don't intend on being so."

"Good, now how about a race?"

I smirk, "Oh you're on."


Dabi and I are panting once we get back.

"What happened to you two? Did you run into a pro-hero?" Kurogiri asks.

"Nope, but I won!" I exclaim.

"I went easy on you, I didn't think you were actually fast!" Dabi responds.

"Well, remember, I have had plenty of training."

"Izuku!" Toga yells, running into the room, "I've got a great idea!"

This girl's gonna give me a heart attack.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well Tomura and I were talking on how to make it so people don't recognize you, and I thought about changing your hair!"

I don't even hesitate, "Yeah sure, it's getting annoying. I didn't really care about my hair before, but it would be nice if it could be different."

"Well come with me!" She grabs my hand, dragging me into her room.

~5 minutes later~

I go into the living room, and everyone seems surprised.

"Wow, who are you?" Dabi jokes.

I roll my eyes and smile.

I look in the mirror, and I'm really a different person, no one could possibly recognize me now.


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