Chapter Nine

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"Izuku, we're going to U.A.!" Toga exclaims, running up to me, hugging my arm.

"What do you mean?" I ask surprised.

"Well, we have two plans, Tomura's in the living room, let's go!" She drags me by the arm, and I let her.

"Hey Tomu, what's this about?" I ask.

"Well, you're fine with going to U.A. right?"

I think about it for a bit, I mean yes, I'll see my former classmates, but does that really matter now? Now that I know my true ideals? After a bit of hesitance I reply, "Yes, I'm fine now, I know who I am."

"Well we have two plans, sit, I'll tell you about it."


Kurogiri takes us to the U.A. gates. There aren't many kids around, and we storm in, purposely setting the alarms off. Tomura managed to gather more members of the League, the minor ones, so we have an army.

I have my hands behind my back, tied up, after all, I am the "hostage".

Tomura's army rushes into U.A., yelling, and the alarms start going off. There's chaos, just like we expected.

Kurogiri teleports us in the middle of the school.

I put on my best acting skills, looking like I'm about to cry. I have bags under my eyes (courtesy of Toga's makeup), my hair's completely messed up, my shirt is ripped, and I have a collar around my neck that'll electrocute if I "try to escape". Dabi insisted it has to as realistic as possible.

"H- help!" I cry out, and people are fighting everywhere, since we're trying to imitate chaos so people are distracted, but a student manages to see me, gets scared, and runs off. Good, they'll probably go get a teacher.

Moments later, Present Mic is there, and he clears the hallway with his loud voice, and the minor members of the League try to push the students out, following Tomura's orders.

"Let him go." I hear All Might's voice boom.

This is troublesome, All Might could take us out, but he's also getting weak. The League already knows his weak spot, and Toga comes from behind, and stabs All Might.

It's not deep, but it's enough to make him cough blood.

"Oi what's going on here?!" Kacchan yells.

Kacchan fights through the crowd, and the rest of the class is behind him, urging him to go back, but Kacchan's always looking for trouble.

I lock eyes with Kacchan, and he seems shocked, and I slightly smile to myself, and then put on my best terrified face.

"K- Kacchan, help!" I plead, and then Dabi pulls my greased hair back, "Oi, shut up."

I'd punch him if it wasn't for the act.

Then comes in Eraserhead, the more the merrier.

"Listen, just give us him back..." Eraserhead slowly walks towards us, hands out.

"Hmm should we really? We just wanted to see your agonizing faces," Toga smiles, holding a knife against my neck, and I look down at it, trying to act scared.

"What if we were to cut his head off right now, hm?" Tomura says.

"What do you want you psychopaths?!" Kacchan yells. The crowd has finally cleared, and half of the class is with Kacchan.

"All Might. Simple. All Might for Izuku Midoriya." Tomura says.

"No way," Eraserhead says.

"Well then... I guess we have no other choice."

Toga lightly starts cutting my throat with her knife blood coming out. Though it doesn't hurt that much, I still acted like I was in pain.

This is when Eraserhead decides to attack.

Toga dodges the attack, and Eraserhead try's to grab me, but Dabi blocks him with his flames.

Tomura's about to start fighting, but then his feet are frozen by Todoroki's ice.

Tokoyami's dark shadow knocks Dabi away, and Tsuyu grabs me with her tongue.

I try to act surprised and relieved. I should get an award for this.

"We got him!" Todoroki yells, and Eraserhead, Present Mic, and All Might retreat.

Kurogiri and the others disappear, but before they go, I look back and give them a smile, and they smile back.

"We head to the infirmary, and I stay silent while Recovery Girl checks me.

"Looks like he's fine," she says, "Why don't you guys try talking to him?"

All the teachers leave, and Uraraka's the first one to come to me, "Deku, how are you doing?"

I look her in the eye and say, "Fine."

They all seem kinda relieved that I talked, since I haven't spoken a word since they "rescued" me. I'm trying to hold back laughter.


It's Kacchan.

I look away.

Even though I'm not scared of him anymore, I'm still annoyed by him, he did bully me after all.

"Kirishima, I can't do this!" Kacchan yells, storming out the door.

Did he really just try to apologize? It doesn't matter anyways, it's not like he meant it, someone else was forcing him to do it.

"Midoriya, are you really okay?" Todoroki asks.

I nod, playing with my fingers, this is so boring, I want to go back home.

They all look at each other, and they head out, telling me they're happy to have me back.

I could honestly care less.

They go in the hall, and they start talking about me.

"He seems strange, doesn't he?"

"Well what can we say, I mean he was in isolation for awhile."

"But what did the villains do to him?"

"Maybe he just needs rest, let's leave him alone."

I hear their footsteps fade, and I lay down on the bed.

I smile to myself, everything is going according to plan.


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