Chapter Eight

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Tomura's called a "family meeting".

I walk into the living room, and the whole gang's there.

"Why the serious looks?" I joke, while taking a seat.

"Well it's been two weeks since you've been here, and we've all done a few small robberies..."

"Listen Tomura, if this is about me staying, you know 100% I am."

"No, no, it's not that.. it's actually about when you want to see the other U.A. students again."

"Wh- what do you mean?"

"Well we had two ideas, you could go back as a spy, or you could attack them."

"No, no way! I'm never seeing them again!" I say getting up.

"Izuku, calm down." Dabi says cautiously.

"No, no!" Memories in my head flash, and I'm starting to back up towards the door.

"Izuku!" Kurogiri yells, but I'm already out the door.

I start running, not sure what I'm running from.

If I go back, I'll just be confused. I'll start doubting being a villain, and I don't want to ruin what I have right now.

All of a sudden, I stop running, as a voice in my head appears.

"Next time, try to accept me."


"You tried to drown me, you tried to make us one person, but I'm neccessary for your survival."

"What does that mean?"

"That means, without me, your arm would go completely numb, you would have no use of it."

"Why are you telling my this now?!"

"It wasn't that important, I know what's best for you, you would've feared me. When All for One healed you, he couldn't heal you fully, so the best option was to give you another quirk, and I was the best quirk he had available, he was saying it for a Nomu."

"Are you saying I'm a Nomu?! And are you actually a part of me? Were you born with me, or did you belong to another person before?! I have so many questions..."

"No you're not , and I can't answer all your questions, I'm a part of you, I don't have the answers to everything, but I am quite smart. Anyways, just forget what I said. Concentrate on being a villain. You will never go back to being a hero as long as I'm here, you understand me?"

"Yes... yeah, I will never go back to being a hero, no matter what, for this is the true me."

"Good, now head back home."


"Izuku, we have to go somewhere." Toga says.

"Listen if you're going to 'confess' again..."

"No, not like that, those were all just flirting, but we've been assigned a mission, we're going to attack Best Jeanist."

"What? A pro hero? Isn't that going to be a bit hard."

"Izuku, we've attacked U.A. before, twice, and robbing all those banks, those were just for fun, fooling around, we need to start making progress."

I take a deep breath, "Let's do it, anyways, he was kind of close to Kacchan, so if we kill him, maybe it'll impact him."

"Great!" She says, smiling.

I walk into my room, and change into my villain suit.

I then head out, knocking on Dabi's room along the way.

All three of us head out, ready to attack.


We're sitting on top of a building, my feet dangling over the edge.

"Ahh be careful Izu, we don't want you falling!" Toga says teasingly, since she knows I won't fall.

"Oh don't worry Toga, I don't die that easily," I reply, smirking.

"There," Dabi says, and I look over to where he's pointing.

It's Best Jeanist, along with a sidekick. He's got an "anonymous tip-off" who apparently wants to "meet in secret".

"I'll take out the sidekick, then Dabi you make a fire wall, so he can't escape. When he try's to escape, Kage will finish him off! Just like the plan!" Toga says excited.

"Ok." Then Dabi turns right, and Toga turns left.

I jump off the building, the shadows catching me.

Just like the plan, Toga takes out the sidekick. Dabi makes a firewall, but that doesn't last long.

Best Jeanist brought someone else, no, two more. Another sidekick that we weren't aware of, probably because of their quirk.

They were invisible, but then they appeared out of nowhere, along with someone else, who put out the flames. They had a water quirk.

I'm guessing the invisible person can erase their presence and whoever they touch. Jeanist really did take precautions for a simple tip off.

Toga and Dabi distract the two, while I put on a mask, a dark green bunny mask. I hate it, but it was the best one they could find.

I stand in front of Best Jeanist.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Kage." I simply reply, and then I move my hand forward, a shadow comes out from it, with a hand on its end, heading towards Jeanist.

The way I extended my arm reminds me of Todoroki, and I lost focus, forgetting to make it untouchable, so Jeanist reflects it.

I regain my focus, and this time I decide to use more arms, which come out from my back.

They steady themself on the ground, making me launch upwards, and I land behind him.

I use a few hands to attack him, and he try's to attack them but he can't touch them. Right before they make impact, I have to make them touchable, so they can cause damage. I've been practicing.

His reflexes are fast, but I was only the distraction.

Dabi comes up from behind, and finishes him off.

I take off my mask, and crouch in front of Jeanist.

I smile, and say, "Kacchan will be next."


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