Infinity (mature & warning)

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A/n this will be a mature one shot as in slightly, not too much just kinda in the middle and this will be all in Kaycee's point of view, to fit this song.

First love would never die, even if you wanted to let let go, no second, third or many relationships after that would ever by like your first love and affection, your first touch with someone in a intimate way, that it hurts sometimes to even want to be with that person. - my thoughts to you

Warning: sexual assault not too graphic but you get the gist of it, by all means this is very much the same feel as treat you better but it's not domestic abuse but it is an assault so I'm giving you heads up.


I wanna walk to the edge of the earth
Scream your name 'til the fire's gone from my lungs
I wanna drink 'til I don't feel the urge
To run back to you and lay down make me yours

Kaycee felt like she just wanna walk to the edge of the rooftop and theoretically edge of the earth and scream his name out, till the fire that's been embedded in her chest gone from her lungs.

"Sometimes 'I wanna drink 'til I don't feel the urge to run back to you, and lay down, make me yours' " I whisper tell, to the flowers that's in the garden, by my window, people always told me that I'm crazy to even talk to these flowers,  but the universe is a mysterious place and everything in it, and I know that flowers gossip to one another about us humans.

The moon illuminated my room and the flowers glistened with water from the rain earlier in the evening, sighing out softly as I reflect back to a couple days ago, reflecting it back to Sean, just the thought of him makes my heart squeezed in painful manner, also give me so much happiness in this singular moment, here right now, in this very moment,

Vibration from my phone, startled me out of my stupor that I've drown myself in.

"Love you 💕 goodnight ricebowl🍚" it read from the person I'm thinking about, a small smile was painted on my face, as I read his cheesy text, shaking my head laughing softly as I replied back
"Love you more shamu💕☺️ goodnight shamu"
Than another text came after it, reading the text
Nah...impossible 😑☺️ I love you more❤️"

Sighing out calmly with love that's grown big ever since that day. Crawling into my bed, after my nightly routine, turned to my side watching the moon and the stars that's shining behind the fluorescent lights that's dimming them. Than slowly my tiredness took me under with a thought of only one person....sean

I can still feel your breath all over me filling me
I could fuck with you for eternity, infinity
Turn all the lights on I could be your lover
I could be the one for you and no one else at all

Kaycee still wonder how,  how it could be like this, like
how nothing mean more to a person heart than the person you're thinking about on day to day basis? She still didn't know how he could still make her feel like her first love all over again.

Sighing out softly as her mind went back to few days ago, she felt like she done something wrong, yet did something right at the same time, in just a singular moment of love. He still frustrates her sometimes, at some point in the notions of movements.

'I can still feel your breath all over me', I thought quietly you're filling me boy, 'i can fuck with you for eternity, infinity. I said as I turn my head towards my bed to see the person that still loudly crowded my head constantly these days, if you 'turned all the lights on, I could be the one for you baby boy and no one else at all." My legs move to the bed, padded feet, quietly made its way back to him, back to where our limbs were intertwined, just a couple of hours ago.

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