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--Danny's pov--

He's ruined my plan, Ashton has ruined everything. My plan was to inject slow pain into Emily and now I can't because Ashton has ruined it. He has taken her away from me and now I'm going to take everything from him bit by bit starting with this friends. I will do this with him watching, him, Emily and his friends will all be in a room together and watch me. I need to know more about his friends first, how old they are, where they go etc. First I need my friends to help me and they better cause they know what will happen if they don't. I call one of them to let the others know..

'Mate you need to get the others and come to mine there's something important needs doing'

'Alright mate'

20 minutes later they turn up and I start talking through the plan...

"We need to get them all in a room by knocking them out. Then I will take over all I need you guys to do is get them but I will take care of Emily. Max you take care of Ashton, you can have that pleasure. Jake, Jason and Liam you take care of those three friends, take one each. We need to wait outside the school for when they come out and I want you to follow your person home. Those three friends I think one of them had blonde hair and a lip piercing, Jake you take him. Jason you get the one with brown hair and Liam you take the one with coloured hair."

They all nodded and then we went back to our homes and would meet up near the school tomorrow just before it finishes, this should be good.

------SKIP TO TOMORROW--------

Emily's pov

School went by quite quickly, I sat with Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael. We were now walking out the gate and taking our own ways home. I didn't like to be away from Ashton cause I didn't feel safe, not with Danny about. I walking home when suddenly I was falling to the ground and everything went black.

Ashton's pov

I was walking home when this guy stepped out in front of me, starring at me. I turned around when I felt something hard to the back of my head and I fell down on the ground and everything went black.

Luke's pov

I was riding home on my skate board when I fell to the ground. I stood up and saw a guy about my age and he was laughing at me.

"What the hell man?"

"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt?" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Yeah it kinda did, just leave me alone"

"Sorry can't do that"

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

Calum's pov

Me and Michael were walking back to his to order pizza, Michael loves pizza, and to practice on our guitars when suddenly these two guys appear one in front of us and one behind us so we couldn't go anywhere.

"Can we help you?"

"Yeah you can just stand there and don't do anything"

"What the....." Before I could finish I fell to the ground and everything went black.

------LATER THAT DAY------

--Danny's pov--

We and then all tied up and they were starting to wake up with their heads hurting, serves them right. I know what your thinking, why am I doing this to those three friends? Well they are friends with Ashton who took my girl and she was basically all I had left apart from my mates. So I'm taking all he has away in front of his eyes then he will die. Emily was the first to wake up..

"What's going on?"

"I'll tell you what's going on babe, Ashton took you from me and now your all going to suffer"

"Danny? What are you doing?"

"You'll see babe, you'll see"

They were all awake now and wondering what was going on and they had realised they were tied up as well. I told Max, Jake, Jason and Liam to go cause I wanted it just me and them.

"Well how is everyone oh wait I can answer that, your heads are hurting and wondering what's going on. Well I can tell you what is going on and what is going to happen. Your all here cause of Ashton, he took everything from me and now I'm going to do the same" I pull out the gun and their faces were priceless "one by one in front of his face and then finally ending with Ashton" he looked at me.

"Why are you doing this? I haven't killed Emily"

"In my life you have, she hates me"

"That's your fault not mine, I just gave her the courage to get away from you"

"So let's start with this one, what's your name?"


"Well Luke you can thank Ashton for this"

"Your just a coward no wonder Emily hates you and didn't love you"

I punched Luke in the face and he just glared at me. I just moved on.

"What's your name?"


"And you?"


"Well Calum and Michael, I bet you wish you weren't friends with Ashton now"

"Actually I'm glad we are friends cause he's a good guy not like you"

"Well it doesn't matter cause your all going to suffer, who wants to die first?"

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