Beautiful world

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My eyes fluttered open. Tate was gone.
As I sat up, I noticed a black rose next to me on my bed where he had slept. My cheeks flushed a hot pink colour as I couldn't help but smile.
Well shit.
I rolled out of bed, slowly falling onto the floor. The cold wooden floor always jolted me awake in the morning. It was always difficult waking up for school as I was basically nocturnal by choice. Mornings really weren't my thing.
I walked to my closet, looking at the array of band/Comic T-Shirts, jeans and boots.
I didn't really have many clothes but that was kind of just because I was too broke to care.
I placed my red converses on and walked downstairs.
The air had that cold morning feel and the house was silent as sunlight slowly began to seep through the windows.
I turned on my MP3 player and placed my headphones on.

That girl's a genius

I danced through the kitchen, making myself toast. For once, I was in a really good mood. Life does that to you.
I power slid to one of the lower down cabinets, almost bashing my knee, and grabbed some spreads.
I must not have noticed that I'd gained an audience through my dancing because as I turned around my face fell into a heavy blush of embarrassment.
"uh... Hi?" I chuckled nervously, looking up at my brother.
"sup." he replied, totally shrugging it off. "You making toast for me? How considerate."
"You want toast, make it yourself, butthead." I retorted, using my usual juvenile insults.
"Wow. Thanks for that, gremlin."

I hated when he called me that.

I walked outside and plopped myself down onto the green grass outside school. First two periods had gone by like a flash. English and History. Two things I actually enjoyed. Next up was chemistry so, I guess this morning wasn't so bad.
I pulled out a large leather bound notebook from my bag. The first page was filled with scrawls telling any potential reader that it was "private" "keep out" "go die" "fuck off" etc.

I sat drawing for a few moments before a couple blondes walked past. Their conversation caught my attention as they sat not too far from me on a bench.
"Well, it's coming up to 13 years since it happened... I know it's sad but don't you think we should leave it in the past?"
"Lily, some kid shot up our school! You don't leave that shit in the past! Besides, it's easy for you to say... You didn't lose anyone when it happened..."
"Neither did you. You never met your brother."
"You think that stops it from affecting my mom?"
"Well, if you wanna do something for the anniversary... Maybe you should get the new girl involved. I heard she lives in the house that he died in."
"That's sick, Lily."

My heart stopped.
Were they talking about... Me?

I walked home in silence. No music. All I could think about was what they said. Did I really live in the home of a dead school shooter? God. What sick person would do something like that?
My fingers traced over the keys of my phone.
"Be home late. Revising in Library."
I texted my mom before placing the small blackberry into mu pocket.
I couldn't face going back to that house and, besides, I was taken over by morbid fascination. I wanted to know more about what happened. Curiosity got the better of me. I should've just left it be.

"Westfield High Shooting" was all I could think of typing. I clicked on one of the articles about the shooting and my heart felt like it was about to explode. I could hear it in my head, louder than anything in the room. The muscles around my heart began to contract, as they did when I got stressed. I found myself unable to breath, the air not making it to my lungs as a stabbing pain hit me in the chest over and over again. I sat up straight, taking deep breaths.
There he was.
Tate Langdon.
He was the one that killed all of those kids.... Back in 1994!
This was impossible. How? How could this be real? It had to be some sort of sick joke, right?!
I stumbled outside, the fresh air hitting my pale face.
Part of me just wanted to go home and sleep, the other couldn't face going back there.
I fell down onto the pavement beside my house. Everything was so hazy. I started feeling nauseated as I couldn't hold down the acidic taste that made its way up my throat and onto the ground.
Was I insane?

I walked inside, pale and shaking. I brushed off all comments from my family as I trembled up the steps.
All I wanted to do was sleep and never wake up. I took off my jacket and jeans and crawled into bed. Small tears escaping my cold blue eyes. No. I couldn't allow myself to cry. Not now, at least. I wiped away the tears, small whimpers escaping mg lips.
A knock sounded at my door.
"GO AWAY!" I screamed, throwing a book at the origin of my disruption.
The room fell silent. I didn't even hear anyone walk away yet I knew that there was no one there due to the lack of a shadow from beneath the door.
I just wanted to be left alone.
I just wanted to leave this place.

Footsteps sounded from downstairs as they grew louder and louder.
The door creaked open.
"You wanna talk about what the hell is going on?" My brother asked, both concern and annoyance across his face.
"It's just... Never mind. I just want to leave." I shrugged. My voice came out as a deep groggy sound.
"I get that. We live in one ugly world. But that won't change. We can't just keep uprooting our lives, Rose." He explained.
"No, it's a beautiful world with ugly people."

Tate Langdon X OC/ In Bloom A AHS Murder House Fic) Where stories live. Discover now