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Life seemed so great. I was on top of the world. Everything was incredible. My mom said we'd do whatever we needed in order to pursue my career. For that, I was eternally grateful.
Tate and I had been spending loads of time together. When I first told him the news, he seemed really happy for me. I suppose he realised it meant I wouldn't be around as much because he started getting kind of upset after an hour or so.
But,  for now, everything seemed awesome.
"Hey, cheer up." I smiled, throwing a pillow at Tate as he lay on my bed moping.
He didn't smile, he didn't even acknowledge I was there. I walked over and sat beside him, hugging him gently.
"Promise you won't leave me..." he sighed.
I looked up at him with a smile and whispered, "I promise."
I kissed him and then went back to tidying my room.
"So, any ideas for our date?" I chuckled.
"Yep." He grinned.
"Care to share?"
"Nah." he replied with a smirk.

It was Sunday, October 28th. Funnily enough, the sun was shining outside and it almost felt like summer.
I danced downstairs, listening to Fleetwood Mac, wearing one of Tate's huge sweaters.
The house was pretty quiet as my mother didn't have any clients and my brother was out.
When I reached the front room, I found my mother on the phone. I walked over to kitchen table and sat eating an apple while listening to the conversation.
"Of course we'd be willing to make that sacrifice. It's definitely worth it! You say they've passed around the recordings and definitely wish to sign a contract? Wonderful! I'll tell her right now! I'm sure she'll be extremely pleased. Okay, thank you."
My mother put down the phone and walked over to me, barely containing the huge grin plastered on her face.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on then, mother? Or am I supposed to guess?" I queried.
"That was the agency. Darling, some folks up in New York want to sign a contract with you. They want us to move out there, all expenses paid! This is the opportunity of a life time!" She almost squealed with excitement. Yay her trophy daughter could now go and be her perfect little performing monkey. Wonderful. The perfect thing to boast about to all her friends whilst she neglected me.
"We already moved once, mother. We can't uproot our lives again!" I raised my voice in exasperation.
"Oh but we can and we will! No arguments, Rose. We're leaving!"

We're leaving?
But what about Tate?

"What about your clients, mother?" I desperately pleaded.
"I don't have that many here yet. I'll open a clinic in the city and I'm sure I'll earn the money back very quickly!" she smiled.
"I don't want to leave. I like it here!" I cried. What was I doing? I'd dreamed about music my whole life. But not like this. I wanted to go to New Orleans and play the Blues. I wanted to live here... With Tate. I didn't want to move and be some generic American label.
Not like this.
"Well tough! We're leaving and that's final. This isn't about you. Now grow up!" she yelled.
I had to think of something. This couldn't be happening.
"W-when will we l-leave?" I asked, holding back tears.
"November the first!"

Four days.
I only had four days left with Tate.

I ran up to my room, slamming the door behind me. Tears streamed down my eyes.
But I promised him...
How was j meant to tell him that we'd never see eachother again?

Tate Langdon X OC/ In Bloom A AHS Murder House Fic) Where stories live. Discover now