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"Keep ya' head up." - Tupac


I sat in my new therapy class, observing the diversity of the people in the room around me. I mean how could people so different share one common problem. My thoughts were interrupted by --

"Welcome My Beautiful Children, I Am Dr. Upendo ." A gorgeous lady with shiny grey hair,  a dark brown complexion and hazel eyes said in the nicest, voice she could use.

"Hello, Dr. Upendo." Everyone,  including I said rhythmically.

"Well, I know that today is most of you all's first group session and I want to start with formal introduction from everyone. Lets start here, with you young man in the green button down and slacks and lets go counterclockwise." Dr. Upendo said with her beautiful voice and African accent, I couldn't quite pick out which part she was from just yet but in due time I'll have it , she has a Swahili last name, it means love.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jeremiah B. Micheals Im 24 , I recently just got my divorce finalized. Im originally from Harlem but I moved to Texas in around 2007, I've been here ever since."


"Hi, Im Susanne McCormick. Im 25 years old. Im originally from Sweden but I moved to the states when I was around 12. Im married and I have three beautiful children. " she said.

Damn it! Its my turn. I thought to myself as I cursed in my mind.

"Ummm, my name is Rashee Nzuri Jua Hiki ( beautiful sun element ) Johnson . Im 23 and I have a double PhD major in neurology and anatomy and a minor bachelors degree in chemical engineering . Im not from the states but I grew up here. I moved here when I was 9." I said shyly barely above a whisper , trying my best to cover my accent, the accent that I hate, that He made me hate.

"Ambapo ni wewe?" (where are you from?) Dr. Upendo asked politely.

I slowly looked around the room, I started to panic, the stares where too much too handle. "I-I-I Uhhh ........" I tried to tell her but I couldn't do it, I was too nervous. I just looked down and played with my fingers.

"Utulivu chini, kuchukua kina kupumua. Hakuna haja ya kuwa na wasiwasi Rashee, Sikuwa na maana ya ili kuwatisheni ninyi." (Calm down, take a deep breathe. No need to be nervous Rashee, I didn't mean to scare you.) Dr. Upendo said in a calm, relaxing and soothing tone while she rubbed my back .

After a minor debate with my mind , I finally brought myself to say "Ummmm, Uganda but I've lived in Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, and the Comoro Islands." I say trying not to make myself noticeable but it was too late,  all eyes were on me.

"Kushikilia kichwa yako juu mchumba, nzuri yako." (Hold your head up sweetheart, you're beautiful), Dr. Upendo said whlie smiling as she winked at me.

I simply nodded my head and gave her a faint smile .

"Ummm , okay? I guess, but hows everyone?"

I mentally roll my eyes at her, like really? jealous much?

"Im Christina Jones. she continues to say . Im 33. I been divorced and remarried four times ."

How many times ? I thought. Might want to just give up , I mean four times? really?

"I have four children and eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren."

Damn ! I thought to myself . Her kids started early .

"I was born and raised in Texas,  but I've mostly lived in East Texas." she finished .

"Wassam ? Im Chris Pollozio. Im 23 . The only reason Im here is to keep my parole officer off my ass, so dont expect to hear much out of me" he said in a funny but serious and subtle tone, with a slight wink at Dr. Upendo then one at me and a lip lick . It was so cute , that it was scary.

After his introduction I zoned out for about 40 minutes, it happens so often sometimes I dont even notice anymore .

I quickly came back in the moment as I hear Dr. Upendo's voice say "Now that everyone has shared about themselves , I would like to inform you on a few more things but excuse me ladys and gentleman." Gosh she reminds me of my mother . My Mother. I sigh to myself just thinking about how much I miss her. I let a teardrop escape my eye but I quickly wiped it away, not quick enough though I guess because I saw a tissue in my lap and Jeremiah facing in front of me on one knee.

"You okay ?" He asked me with hurt and sympathy in his eyes. His eyes where beautiful. They where light green with hints of hazel , amber and icey blue in them. They went perfectly with his soft peanut butter toned complexion, tattoos, deep dimples, waves that you can drown from just by looking at them too long and his muscles , which may I say complemented perfectly to his 6'5 frame. He was a God , he was beautiful. I wanted to say no so bad but my stupid brain couldn't tell my mouth to form the words.

I quickly nodded my head yes and waited for him to leave but he didn't leave until he starred at me for at least 15 extra seconds. He got up and whispered in my ear you cant hide your feelings forever, you'll express them one day and I'll be there to help you. believe me beautiful. That one word " beautiful " was one I never heard often but for a God like him to say it to me sent chills down my spine and the hairs in the back of neck and arms to stand up. why does he care?  No one else does? what does he want? where the questions that kept replaying in my mind.

"So, The class is over today and we meet back up on August 12th , which is next Thursday. DONT be late and Je, si aibu Rashee!" (Don't be shy Rashee) Dr. Upendo said while waving us all off.

Next Thursday will be interesting . I thought to myself as I hurried to my car. Very, very interesting .






a/n:  they were speaking Swahili if you didn't catch it.

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