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I took a good ass nap. By the time I got up Messiah was dressed. he told me he was ready, so we got in my car and drove to the house.

I'll call you when I'm ready. he said.

I nodded.

With that he got out the car and I pulled off.

I got home about 30 minutes later and just watched tv. I was chilling with Luca when I heard a knock at the door. Luca and I went to answer it. It was Dequantez nasty ass.

Hey. he said nervously .

Hello. I said .

Can I come in? he asked

No. I simply responded.

W-what ? Why not ? he asked

You're not welcomed in. I SAID

It's another nigga in there, ain't it? he yelled over me

business. get you some . I said.

You are my fucking business. he said

Nigga fuck you. I don't ask you about the bitches you fuck. so don't worry about me and my kat bastard. I yelled

My name is bae to you. he said trying to shift the mood

No. your name is BITCH. BITCH ! I yelled.

Man I just came to apologize to your stubborn ass. He yelled back

Well You've done that so bye. I said

Bye? he asked.

Did I ssstuter bitch. bye. tf? I said with a attitude.

Nah,  man . he said

what you mean? I asked

I need to talk to you. He said.

about? I asked with a lot of attitude. I'm irritated . I want him to leave. I love him but he hurt me. I'm not ready to make up just yet.

Man, kill the attitude. He said in an assertive tone.

I was silent.

Like I was saying Man, I need you RaRa. you all a nigga got now . he explained.

What you talking about? I asked getting concerned .

They killed my nigga. he said with his face in his hands.

Who Quan? I asked getting closer to him. I'm still mad and heartbroken but he needs me.

Trell. he said lowly .

T-trell, Trellmaine Degalder ? I asked trying to hold back tears. I got to be strong for him.

Yeah man. they killed him. them niggas took his life for nothing . He explained.

Who is they Quan ? I asked.

Them KONF niggas. he said getting angry.

KONF ? the Kings Of No Fucks ? I asked.

Yeah. he said.

He pulled me onto his lap and he kissed me. Damnit Rashee. Your supposed to be angry. I pulled away and layed my head on his chest while he played with my curls. I know Im supposed to be mad but this is my baby. I need him just as much as he needs me. Our fights bring us closer together. We both might be too stubborn to admit it , but we cant live without each other. He's my other half and Im going to take care of him. I got up and grabbed his hand. We walked to my room and I started him a shower. He needs to relax. I can by the way he looks he hasn't slept in weeks. He got in the shower and I took out clothes for him to put on. I ran to McDonald's and got him some food. When I got back thd shower was turned off, but he wasn't in the room.

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