Scene 4 "Attack on Turkey"

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{Halicarnassus, Turkey}

A little girl walks the street, she had long blonde hair that moved with the slight breeze. She wore blue overalls with a pink T-shirt underneath, white light up shoes and a backpack on her back. She walks around the streets with a questioning look on her face. She stumbles upon a market selling fruits and vegetables, she grabs a pear from one of the stands and walks away. The farmer sees this and yells "Hey" at her, the girl runs while the farmer chases after her. She runs down the street dodging cars and people in her way, the farmer does the same. The little girl runs behind a very large building, the farmer stops to catch his breath. He sees the shadow of the little girl and walks towards it. The shadow begins growing into a massive woman, the farmer tries to run only to get caught by a gigantic hand. The farmer screams as he gets thrown across the market. Queen Amelia looks over the buildings at a broken and worn down structure of a temple.

{The Bunker}

Nathan, Megan, and K.J. walk to a room with a glass window. On the other side of the window was Darin Ue, James Alday, and Katelyn Kyd sitting on mattresses on the floor. Darin stands up and walks over to a kiddy pool in the corner of the room and places his hands and face it in. His tri-hat, jacket, and boots sat next to his mattress. Megan, Nathan, and K.J. look through the window at Darin, Darin looks at the window seeing everyone and stands up. He walks to the window and stands there looking back at Nathan.

Darin Ue- (Muffled) "What do you want?"

Megan Topps- (Presses a button under the window) "Mr. Ue, we have a few questions we'd like you to answer for us. If that OK?"

Darin Ue- (Muffled) "I'm not answering anything until you let us out of here."

K.J.- "That isn't going to happen. (To Megan) Don't let him out no matter what."

Megan Topps- (Looking at K.J.) "Yes sir."

K.J.- (To Nathan) "That means you too."

K.J. walks down the hallway and turns the corner as men and women in suits walk down the hall towards them.

Megan Topps- (Looking at Nathan) "Wow, Your dad really doesn't trust your cousin, does he?"

Nathan Jones- "No, no he doesn't."

{Halicarnassus, Turkey}

Amelia looks around the broken temple as if she were looking for something. She gets mad and pulls her sword out of the scabbard on her back and begins swinging it at the remaining pillars and other pieces of the temple. Meanwhile, on the edge of the city, a teenager pulls out his cell phone and begins recording Amelia destroy the Temple with rage.

{The Bunker}

Nathan and Megan walk down the hallway with their arms wrapped around each other.

Megan Topps- "You know babe, we haven't truly had a night to ourselves since before the kids were born."

Nathan Jones- "Agh, I know. It's like whenever we seem to find a perfect moment to be with each other something always happens."

Megan Topps- "I just can't believe that the twins are already two."

Nathan Jones- "But they look like they might be teens at this point."

Megan Topps- "They also developed our powers."

Nathan Jones- "Kortney with mine and Jordan with yours."

Megan Topps- "Yeah. I'm proud to be a parent to two beautiful kids."

Nathan Jones- "Me too."

Nathan rubs Megan's back slowly as they enter their room, the door closes behind them. Inside the room, Nathan opens the closet and grabs a shirt, pants, and a pair of socks and throws them on the bed. Nathan closes the closet doors and walks over to Megan.

Megan Topps- (Sitting on the bed) "What if the kids are stronger than us Nate? With their powers I mean."

Nathan Jones- "The kids aren't stronger than us, trust me." (Sits on the bed by Megan)

Megan Topps- "I don't know, I feel like their powers are just stronger than ours."

Nathan Jones- "Megan, there's no way in hell that our kids are stronger than us I promise you that." (The phone on the bed table rings, Megan answers it)

Megan Topps- "Hello? (Muffled K.J. voice) Really? (Looks at Nathan) Babe, turn on channel four. (Nathan grabs the remote and turns on the T.V. to channel four) Yeah, we see it."

Nathan stands up in worry as a shaky camera shows Amelia destroying the temple. She stood a quarter of the height of the structure. Amelia takes notice of the man with the camera, she raises her hand as a bright colored hole opens next to her and walks into it. The cameraman looks around for her only to be startled by a hand wrapping around him, picking him up. The camera pans at the face of Amelia. She had sand like skin with glowing yellow eyes, her gigantic lips were a darker shade of brown. In her ears, she had massive diamond earrings. She smirked and threw the man, the camera begins flying facing every direction until it came to a halt on the ground followed by a loud crash than a moan of pain. Megan and Nathan stare at the screen with horror. In Kortney's and Jordan's room, they sit and watch the T.V. screen with fear. Back in Nathan's and Megan's room, Nathan drops the remote onto the bed.

K.J.- (Over the phone) "Are you still there?"

Megan Topps- "Yeah, I'm still here. Do you want us to go after her?"

K.J.- (Over the phone) "No, she's not in US territory. We would only be breaking the Turkish settlement."

Megan Topps- (Nathan sits down in fear placing his hands on his head) "So, what do we do now?"

K.J.- (Over the phone) "Tell Nathan to get the team ready, we need to be prepared in case she heads to the US."

Megan Topps- "Yes sir. (Hangs up the phone) Honey, (Nathan looks at her) It's time to get the team together."

Nathan Jones- (Reaching into his bed table and grabs a silver remote with a single button) "This is going to be a very long day."

Nathan presses the button while aiming at the closet. The closet doors open as the inside begins shifting down. The inside of the closet now had two hooks with a blue frosted camouflage sweater and two Ice-axes by steel toe boots. On the other hook was a black hooded dress with purple laces on the back and a pair of black gloves on a stand.

Megan Topps- "Let's go to work."

Nathan grabs a black card with the letters FA on it and presses the center of the A.

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