Scene 6 "The assignment"

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{The Bunker}

Nathan and Megan walk down the hallway to Dr. Strain's office. They walk into the room while Dr. Strain draws a woman with a black top hat and green, black, and white hair.

Megan Topps- "Dr. Strain?"

Dr. Strain- "What's her name? What's her name? Oh, God, what's her name"

Nathan Jones- (Yelling) "Dr. Strain?"

Dr. Strain and Megan jump a little as Dr. Strain looks at Nathan.

Dr. Strain- "Do not yell at me, boy."

Megan Topps- (Looking at the drawings of the woman) "What is that?"

Dr. Strain- "That my dear, is the woman I've been telling you about."

Nathan Jones- (Looking at the drawing) "That kinda looks like the kids?"

Megan Topps- "That's not possible."

Dr. Strain- "Oh, but she might be the twins, Megan."

Megan Topps- "I don't see it."

Dr. Strain- "So what can I help you with?"

Megan Topps- (Nathan still looking at the drawing) "Well we need your help identifying a woman. If that's OK with you?"

Dr. Strain- "Little lady, I'm a doctor, not a witness."

Megan Topps- (Pulls up the picture) "Can you at least try to identify this woman?"

Dr. Strain- "Fine I'll try. (Looks at the photo) Nope, can't say I know who she is. Sorry."

Megan Topps- "Ok, well we'll let you get back to whatever you're doing. Come on honey. (Nathan stares at the drawing) Nathan!"

Nathan looks away and walks while Dr. Strain looks around for her cup.

Dr. Strain- (Drinks from a cup) "Awe, there's nothing in here. I better get more."

Dr. Strain leaves the room as Kortney and Jordan run around the corner and enter the office seeing the drawings everywhere.

Jordan Jones- "So that's what we looked like in that form."

Korney Jones- "I think we should name her?"

Jordan Jones- "No don't, you give everything weird names."

Korney Jones- "Please? Just this last one, then I'll never name anything else again."

Jordan Jones- (Sighs) "Fine, last one. What kind of goofy name do you have this time?"

Kortney Jones- (Thinking) "I think. (Thinks more)"

Jordan Jones- "Midnight?"

Kortney Jones- "Yeah, how'd you know I'd say that?"

Jordan Jones- "We're twins remember? And I'm telepathic."

Kortney and Jordan begin hearing Dr. Strain talking in the hallway while her footstep near the room. Jordan pushes at the ground making a dark green hole on the ground, he grabs Kortney's hand and drops through it. The hole closes as Dr. Strain enters and stops while looking around. She shrugs and walks back to the drawings.

Nathan and Megan walk down the hallway running into K.J.

K.J.- "Nathan, our little speeding friend is here and wants to meet with you in the conference room."

Nathan Jones- "Yeah, Ok. We'll be there in a moment."

K.J. walks away while Kortney and Jordan land in front of Nathan and Megan. They stand up and stand still seeing their parents.

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