Scene 11 "Highway Of Hell"

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Driving down the highway in a topless car, Adan sits in the back as a driver's heads down the highway. Luke runs with the car as Justin and Nathan sit next to Adan.

Adan Valentine- "Ah, does the man with the blue devil face know how to create a car? I mean he made the HZ9000, this baby has the engine of a Ferrari and can take a hit like a tank. It also has thirty-four-inch tires and bulletproof windows. (Sees Nathan trying to call on his cell phone) What are you doing?"

Nathan Jones- "I'm trying to let Megan know what Lael said."

Adan Valentine- "Relax, she'll know when we get back."

In the distance, Amelia stands like a house as a little crack opens next to her. Five massive dragonfly creatures fly out of the crack and begin targeting Adan's car. The crack closes as Amelia walks away.

Adan Valentine- "I just love the wind on my face while we drive down the highway."

Luke Harris- (looking at the creatures flying towards them) "Guys we have incoming."

Adan, Nathan, and Justin look in the sky as the creatures hover over them. Justin pulls a gun from his hip and begins firing at the creatures.

Justin Walts- "Um, guys. What the hell is that?"

Adan Valentine- "Trouble."

Nathan Jones- (Stands up in the back seat as eyes frost over) "Tell the driver to keep going to the bunker."

Adan Valentine- "Driver keep driving to the Bunker. We'll hold them off."

Nathan grabs an Ice-ax with his right hand and jumps out of the car spraying Ice out of the other hand, Nathan rides the ice after one of the creatures.

Adan Valentine- "Awe, what the hell?"

Adan turns around pushing the middle seat of the car back, a metal socket opens. Adan places his hand inside of it and turns his arm, his body began getting covered by the pink and black biponium. The metal suit covered his body like armor. Adan Jumps out of the car as rockets open under the feet of the suit, Adan begins flying after another creature. Justin continues firing his gun at one of the monstrosities.

Justin Walts- (Gun clicks) "I'm out of ammo."

Luke Harris- "Use your powers."

Luke runs ahead of the car and up a light post, he turns around throwing a burst of energy out from his body at one of the monsters. It just kept flying while Luke ran next to the car. Justin drops his gun and begins throwing nine-inch nails at the creatures hitting them repeatedly. Nathan catches up with the creature sticking his ax in the back of it. He climbed onto it and began spraying Ice from his palm, the ice began spreading around its body as it continued to fly. Adan begins firing a blast of energy from the suit's eyes and hands as he followed the beast.

Justin Walts- "Guys, these things aren't going down."

Nathan Jones- (Hooks the ax into the creatures back, places a finger on his ear) "Come in Midnight. If you can hear this, we need your help. Now!"

In the conference room Darin, Megan, James, Katelyn, K.J., Midnight, and men and women look on as a satellite show the creatures flying everywhere as Nathan, Justin, and Adan try to kill them. Midnight opens a hole and walks through it. Landing on the highway in front of the car, she raises her arms as a shield and sword made of ice emerge in her hands. Midnight stands up and runs towards the car then jumps at one of the creatures. She brings the sword down into its back killing it, she jumps off of to the next and smacks it with her shield dropping it to the ground. Nathan, Adan, and Justin focus everything they have on one of the monsters as Midnight kills one after another. Adan flies at the last creature as it opens its mouth screeching at him, Adan flies into its mouth and breaks out of its side killing it. Nathan jumps off of its back and lands in the car while Justin celebrates. Midnight flies over the car as Adan, who's covered in green slime, flies behind Midnight.

Nathan Jones- "They're all dead, we're coming back to the Bunker."

Megan Topps- (Over headset) "Understood. See you when you get back."

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