Chapter Five

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"So what's the plan?" Louis asked Zayn once his foot had been tended to. Mila knew that a wound as small and deep as the bullet hole wouldn't heal for quite a while and she gulped down her guilt as Louis tried to wiggle his toes. He winced.

"Keep your foot still," Zayn warned him, leaning forward to tighten the material tied around his friend's foot. Mila watched as his large hands gently fixed the improvised bandage, her lips sealed shut. She didn't want to make things anymore awkward between the three of them.

"I'm trying!" Louis snapped. "Kinda hard when I get an itch, you know?"

Mila sat up straighter in her seat and glanced towards the door once again. She'd been sitting quietly in her seat, fingers twiddling each other in fear. She knew sitting around was dangerous, and the two spies didn't seem to care. She wanted to stand and tell them to get a move on, but after putting a bullet in Louis, she'd been silenced by her guilt.

How am I supposed to make conversation now? she wondered as her gaze lowered to her shoes. She waved her feet back and forth, glad for the spaciousness of her flats in comparison to the horrendous heels she had thrown on that morning.

Zayn was sitting directly opposite his injured friend while Mila was perched next to Louis. She didn't want to sit facing the man she had just hurt - the level of awkwardness would only have rose that way. Looking in his eyes was almost scary.

"So, the plan," Louis repeated, looking over at Zayn. Mila listened in too, sitting forward ever so slightly in her seat to overhear what the plan in fact was. Zayn was silent for a moment, his eyes darting between Mila and Louis.

"We don't have a plan any more," he huffed, running a hand through his hair. "We can no longer advance on the leader as our arrival has already sparked up words on the train. We haven't been too subtle this time."

"OK," Louis groaned. "So, the new plan? What was Plan B?"

"Kill and retrieve." Zayn said it as if he were stating an item on his shopping list. Mila gaped at him but before she could say anything, Louis glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

"So, we're honestly just gonna go and advance on whoever has the possession? Do we even know what it is yet?"

"No," Zayn grumbled, shaking his head. "They have the charts also. We're clueless without them."

"Well, that's spectacular, ain't it?" Louis said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Mila wanted to glare at him but she wasn't exactly in the position to fight with the shaggy-haired spy.

"Harry's been through this way," Zayn said suddenly. "There's a couple of guys tied up just down the hall."

Mila saw Louis roll his eyes. "That lad's gonna get us caught one day, I'm telling you."

"I know," Zayn agreed. "Where is he, anyway?"

Louis shrugged. "I have no idea. I heard him mention something about heading to knock out the driver - one of the thieves. Then Niall vanished with Liam after some guy with a bag. He may have had the stolen thing in there, who knows? They ran down to the left."

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