Chapter Ten

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"Zayn?" a muffled voice said.

Zayn, it's OK.

"I think he's waking up. Guys! C'mere!"

You'll be OK. I promise you.

"Quickly! I might need some help!"

I'll help you. Zayn, listen to me - listen to my voice.

He listened long and hard, not hearing the feminine voice with the slight accent that he had wished to hear. Instead, a male voice could be heard beside him. Opening his eyes was proving difficult, a blinding white light shining through his eyelids.

He groaned and turned his head to the side, away from the brightness. "Get ... that light out of my face," he grumbled, voice hoarse. The voice was relieved to hear him speaking, and the man let out a deep breath. His eyes remained shut.

"Zayn," said a worried voice. Louis, he wondered? "Zayn, mate? Are you alright? How are you feeling?"

"Who's that?" Zayn groaned, making sure he was correct. "Louis?"

"Yeah, it's me. The other guys are coming," Louis said. Zayn felt the bed dip beside him and he reluctantly - with difficulty - opened his eyes. The bright light above him was a low-hanging light. He looked round groggily, taking in the sight of the Medical Hall of the Association. He let out a deep sigh. He was in safe hands.

"Zayn!" called a voice from the doorway. Zayn groaned ever so slightly as he turned his head to see Liam's smiling face. Harry followed right behind him, wearing a low-buttoned, white shirt, his eyes wide. "Thank God."

"I'm not going that easily," Zayn laughed, his eyes slipping shut. As soon as his vision was turned to darkness, the events of that time on the train played back almost like a movie in his mind. Mila, Louis' injured foot, Harry on the roof, Tony McPherson, talk of his parents, Liam being beaten, Niall being a traitor, the bullet entering his chest. "What happened?" Zayn found himself asking.

"You don't remember?" Harry asked, pulling a chair up for himself and Liam to sit on.

Zayn shook his head absentmindedly. "Very vaguely. I was shot..." He instantly sat up, wincing at the slight stabbing in his chest. "Holy shit, I was shot." He unbuttoned the white pyjama-top he had been dressed in until it hung loosely, his eyes taking in the layers of bandages that had been wrapped around his chest. He slowly reached up and tapped the little, pink stain just below his left pectoral muscle. He winced a little.

"Just missed your lung," Liam said, smiling. "We were all so scared."

"Well, lucky me," Zayn murmured, pushing himself up against the headboard until he was sitting up fully. "What about McPherson? Did he get caught? Niall, what about him?"

"We got the documents back," Harry said. "We got Niall and Tony too. Turns out we were only a five minute ride away from London by the time you were shot. There were members of the Association waiting at the station and they were both caught. Liam knew they didn't know Niall was a traitor so he shot his leg so he couldn't leave."

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