Chapter Eight

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Before Mila could scream, a blade was pressed to her throat, its sharpened edge biting against her skin. She winced, her eyes squeezed shut as the man's arm tightened around her waist, momentarily lifting her off her feet.

"On your knees!" the man shouted at the circle of spies who had sprung into action - Zayn, Louis and Liam pointed their guns while Harry and Niall aimed their throwing knives. The man pulled Mila back again, her toes merely touching the ground. "I said on your knees! Now ... or the woman gets it!"

Mila's heart was racing. This is how it ends, she thought as the spies remained on their feet. I knew they were all horrible. The longer they remained standing, the more she feared her life would end.

Zayn's eyes met her own, his expression worried and angry. Slowly, he pushed his gun into his belt and turned to face his men. "Do as he says, lads," he told them.

"Zayn-" Louis began, shocked.

"Do as he says!" Zayn snapped. He slowly lowered himself to his knees before Mila and her captor, waiting for the others to copy his actions.

"How humiliating," Louis grumbled as he put his gun down and crouched beside Zayn. Mila watched as the others spies dropped to their knees, weapons pocketed and strapped away as the man waited patiently, his grasp on her never loosening.

With all five spies on their knees before Mila and the man, she began to question why Zayn had decided to follow the guy's orders. He didn't seem like the type of person to follow a villian's rules.

"Look at ya all," said the man holding Mila. "All on your knees. Won't Tony be proud."

"Of you?" Louis scoffed. "Please."

"Louis!" snapped Zayn, his eyes narrowed. Louis gave him an incredulous look, glaring up at the man behind Mila.

"You should know that Tony will be pleased to see you, Zayn," the man said, grinning maliciously down at the lead spy. Zayn's face was expressionless as he listened to what the man had to say. "He always did say it was a mistake leaving the baby alive. He told me a little story about your parents, you know?"

Zayn's head shot up ever so slightly.

"He told me he enjoyed hearing them scream as he tortured them to death. One slice of a knife each time until they could no longer bear it. Then boom, right between the eyes."

Everyone remained silent, eyes on Zayn as the man spoke. Mila wriggled in the bad guy's grasp, the blade too close to her throat. Zayn's eyes continued to dart between Mila and her captor, hatred in his eyes. She could remember him telling her that being strong was part of his job and it was obvious that he was finding it difficult to stay calm.

"This isn't about my parents," he said through his teeth. "Where's Tony and where does he have the object?"

"Oh, but this is about your parents," the man continued. "What we've stolen is something your parents helped design. It's an enhanced version of the original make. They used this thing to kill hundreds of our men."

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