Chapter 13

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- "I see... so you were guided by this "Stray Fairy" in order to get to the Great Fairy Rod. And then you heard my voice when you got out of the woods" Sahasrahla said. "Hmm... well, I'm glad that everything went good for you, but now we have a way more bigger situation. Kyriaxis has the Great Fairy Rod now, the only item that could stop her... or that's what I thought at least. Normal weapons can't fight against her as we already know, which means that we don't have any options left."

- "That's not entirely true" Impa said from afar.

- "Impa! Have you finished putting everyone safe?" Sahasrahla asked.

- "I did" she replied while walking to Link. "Link, you may have lost the Great Fairy Rod, but there's still a chance to stop Kyriaxis and save the Land of Hyrule. However, you need to embark yet on another long journey. Seen how things are right now, it may be more challenging than your last one."

Link was not afraid. He was going to do anything on his power to save Zelda and Hyrule.

- " ....... So you are not going to back down, huh?... You really have a great courage within you... Very well then, I shall now tell you what you need to do......... Go and find the Great Fairies of Hyrule."

- "... Say, now that you are talking about the Great Fairies, I'm wondering if Kyriaxis actually did something to them?" Sahasrahla said.

Link remembered what Kyriaxis told him about the Great Fairies:

the Kingdom of Hyrule is now under my control, and there is nothing that you, or anybody else can do to stop me, not even my four sisters . I have taken care of all four of them before I came here anyway.

Link remembered those exact words and told them to Impa and Sahasrahla.

- "What is that? Kyriaxis went after the Great Fairies first? Sahasrahla said shocked. "Hmmm... well, I think that should be no surprise. Of course she would go after them first. Otherwise, she would be stopped before even setting a foot on Castle Town."

- "And that is more than a reason for Link to search for all of them. With their power on our side, we may have a chance against her" Impa explained.

- "You are right Impa. And like you said, this quest will be a lot more dangerous to Link than the previous one, but we don't have to fear anything... not me at least. If he managed to get the Great Fairy Rod from the Woods of Stray Fairies, and used it to infiltrate Hyrule Castle with many dangers in it, then I have my hopes on him."

- "And mine too Link" Impa clarified to Link. "Now, I will tell you where each Great Fairy is located: one is at the end of the Graveyard in Kakariko Village. Another can be found in the snowy mountain, southeast of Hyrule, where Zora's Domain is. The third one can be found at the Woods, south of Hyrule. And the last one can be found on the desert, at the north of Lake Hylia."

*Link nodded at Impa*

- "But as you may already know, I think that you won't be able to gather all of them on your current state" Impa said worried.

- "She's right Link. You will need all the help you can get" Sahasrahla said.

- "Or... a new weapon" Impa added, taking Link's attention. "I'll explain things later Link, but for now, meet me and Sahasrahla at the Lost Woods."

- "..... I see where you're going Impa" Sahasrahla said, making Link confused. "You've heard her Link, get yourself ready and meet us at the south."

Impa and Sahasrahla left and went to the Lost Woods, while Link decided to stay and prepare himself before leaving. He got out of the cafeteria, and the first thing he saw was a sign announcing the opening of Kakariko Mart on Castle Town. Link got a happy smile on his face and went to see the Mart. It became very popular in a short period time. Link saw the same goron that took care of the donations for the grand opening of the mart and went to him.

- "Come and enter Kakariko Mart for high quality products, all from Kakariko Village" the goron shouted.

Link entered the Mart and saw that it was way more bigger than the one on Kakariko Village. He took the chance to buy some things like Red Potions, Arrows and Bombs. After that, he got out of the Mart and Castle Town. He then called Epona with the flute that Malon gave him and started riding back to the Lost Woods.


Link has finally reached the Lost Woods; Impa and Sahasrahla were waiting for him outside. Link left Epona and ran to them, ready for what they had in store for him.

- "You made it Link" Impa said. "I guess that it's time. Let's enter the Lost Woods. I'll tell you what you must do while at it."

*Impa, Sahasrahla and Link walked into the Woods*

- "Now listen well Link" Impa advised. "Within this woods we'll find a secret place. This place contains a weapon that will help you through your new journey. It is known as the blade of evil's bane, a sword that no evil can touch. It is called: The Master Sword, and only those that are worthy of wielding it can use it. To be worthy of using such weapon, you must pass through a trial first. Only then, the path shall be opened to you. I hope that you're ready."

The Lost Woods is well known as a place where the non-guided can be lost. However, Impa knew where they had to go, so Link and Sahasrahla decided to follow her.

Sacred Grove

They all passed through a door on the Sacred Grove, and they found themselves on a odd place. There was a mysterious temple in front of them, and there were two statues in front of the temple's entrance. Moreover, there was an altar similar to the one on the Woods of Stray Fairies, where Link put the three Fairy Charms to open the way to the Fountain of Greatness.

Suddenly, the Skull Kid appeared, the one that Link followed to get to Kokiri Forest. The Skull Kid sat on a pillar and decided to watch them from there.

- "Link, you told us that you have the Fairy Charms with you, correct? Now, place them on the altar in front of us. You'll see what you must do from there." Impa said.

Link approached to the altar and put the three Fairy Charms on it, each on a certain place. They all started to glow, and all that glow moved through some lines drawed on the ground and got into the two statues. Suddenly, the statues started to move. Each one of the statue made a jump. One statue felt in front of Link, and the other felt behind him. Suddenly, the whole ground was separated in many blocks. Impa and Sahasrahla were saved on a platform.

- "We are the guardians of this land. Guide us where we once stood. Only then can you enter the true Sacred Grove" one of the statues said.

Link jumps to a block and makes the statues move, each to a certain direction. Having that in mind, he started to jump from block to block, looking for a way to return them to their places, while been careful with not been crushed. After a while, he managed to put each statue on their original place. The statues hits the ground with their staffs, and the door to "The true Sacred Grove" opened.

- " Go now to the sacred place, Hylian. We yield passage to the Sacred Grove" one of the statues said.

Finally, the statues got back to rest. Impa and Sahasrahla walked to Link, and the three of them passed through the "sacred place". Once they enter, they saw a sword beyond them.

- "There it is Link: The Master Sword. Now go and take it" Impa said.

Link walked to the Master Sword and grabbed it with his right hand. He then put the other hand and tried to pull it out of the pedestal. He took out the sword at the end, and he pointed it at the sky. Suddenly, a tiny wind blew around him.

Link got the Master Sword, the sword of evil's bane!

The Skull Kid enjoyed watching every thing from the beginning to the end; He then disappeared.

- "I knew that you'll be able to make it" Impa said. "With the Master Sword in your power, you will be able to surpass the new trials that are awaiting for you on Hyrule. With that been said, it is time for you to search for all the Great Fairies. Therefore, I will tell you where you can go first. Head to the Graveyard of Kakariko Village, and try to find the Fairy Fountain around there. It is well hidden, and it won't be easy to get there, so be prepare for anything."

- "We are counting on you Link" Sahasrahla said.

Link, Impa and Sahasrahla got out of the Sacred Grove, and out of the Lost Woods. Link mounted Epona and ride back to Kakariko, while Impa and Sahasrahla got back to Castle Town.

The Legend Of Zelda: The Great Fairy RodWhere stories live. Discover now