Why are you here?

922 30 15

December 19th, 2008 (5 months pregnant)

"You're not coming."

I turned around quickly, making my head spin a little, "This is literally how most of our conversations start. If you guys haven't noticed by now, anything bad that happens to me happens when I'm not with you. So shut your face holes, I'm going with you on this hunt."

 Dean and Sam exchange looks. Sam shrugs at Dean. Dean rolls his eyes and groans, "Fine."


The Impala stopped in the dirt driveway of the empty house. It was late at night and I was feeling a little...fatigued. I probably should've gone to bed already but I wasn't in the mood to get kidnapped or anything again while I was alone.

I opened the back door all the way and grabbed a hold of the handle. Sam got out of the passenger seat and stood outside, holding his arm out.

I reached up, gripping onto his arm with one hand. The other was wrapped around my baby bump. "Thanks Sam." I mutter

I could see my breath in front of me. It was getting close to Christmas. So that means the temperature has already dropped drastically. I pull my jacket closer around my body.

"Alright. Quick salt & burn or exorcism. In and out." Dean announces, grabbing all out shotguns from the trunk.

I scoffed, "Ever since I met you two, no case has ever went quick."

Dean hands me my shotgun, "Maybe you give off some bad mojo. With you carrying a demon baby and all-" he smirks at his own joke.

"Maybe you're a little bit of an asshole." I say, glancing down at my protruding stomach. How dare he say me and my child give off bad energies.

We all walked up to the front porch. The floor boards creaked every step we took. Sam was picking the lock on the front door when I felt a cold chill go down my spine. I turn to look out to the front yard as I pulled the collar of my jacket closer.

Nobody was out here. The closest house was a little ways down the dirt road. These were some country houses. Not exactly farms but they were spaced out far away from one another.

I looked out at the front yard one more time before stepping inside once Sam got the door opened.

We went into the living room. All the furniture was still here. Sam and Dean set down their duffle bags on the couch. No lights were on so I started switching the lamps in the room so I wouldn't accidentally trip over anything.

As I turned on a lamp in the far corner of the living room I heard the sound of a spray can rattling.

"Alright, Marianne go to the other room. The fumes are not-" Sam started.

I roll my eyes. "I know. Bad to breathe in. I read the books, Sam."

I walked into the next room which led into the dining room. I walked around the nice wooden table, dragging my fingers along the smooth surface.

I could imagine the family living in this house sitting here in the afternoon, smiling, sharing stories, eating dinner, being normal. Where they are now is beyond me.

I just hope that I would be able to have that. A calm dinner with my family. I know my life is crazy and that heaven and hell basically have me on their wanted list. But I hope that I'll be able to give my kid at least a semi-normal life. They deserve that.

Sam's voice interrupts my thoughts, "Alright done. Marianne stay inside the circle."

I drag my feet across the floor as I walk around the table, back into the living room.

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