What did I just dream?

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I exhale deeply as I trudge down the hallway to the spare bedroom Bobby lend me. Bobby was out on a hunt that would last a couple of days. Sam and Dean were downstairs, probably going to go to sleep in a few hours.

I turn off the lights as I walk to the bedroom. The door creaks as I pull it open and close it shut behind me.

Arch-eler was sitting on the bed with the laptop on his lap. Ever since I let Arch-eler back in my life, he's been searching for signs of demons to see how close they are getting to where we are.

I exhale loudly as I lower myself to the mattress. My feet were starting to ache and I think I might get called soon if I keep moving a lot.

I turn my head so I could look at Arch-eler, to see that his eyes were glued to to the screen. I stared at Arch-eler's face, actually, the face of the vessel he was possessing.

I clear my throat, "Who is he?"

Arch-eler's attention finally left the computer and he looked up at me with wide and slightly confused eyes. "Uh, what?"

I point straight at his face, "The face you're wearing. Who is he?"

Arch-eler slowly closed the laptop and set it aside. He played with the strings of his black hoodie.

"His name was Jude Harper."


"And what?"

"Does....i...did you just find Jude randomly on the street and decide to possess him?"

"No no actually. Jude is dead."

My eyes widen, "You killed him?!" I shout.

Arch-eler placed his hands on top of mine. "NO! No Baby I didn't kill him."

Arch-eler pull his hands away slowly and push up the sleeves of his hoodie to show long vertical and horizontal scars along both wrists.

I gasp as I look down at the scars of Jude.

"He had just died when I found him in his bathtub."

My eyes watering suddenly. "Oh my god."

I run my fingers over some of the scars. Jude took his own life just before Arch-eler got to him. He's gone. His soul left this world.

I felt so much sadness, and I don't really under stand why I was getting emotional. But Jude felt that he needed to take his life because of something he had to face alone, he could've been saved.

Arch-eler held my hands tightly, rubbing his thumb on the top of my right hand.

I shallow down a lump in my throat. "Does - Did he have any family? Anyone that meant something to him?"

He shook his head, "No I checked. He lost everyone, he was probably planning on joining them with the big guy upstairs."

Arch-eler wraps his arms around me, his hand resting against my baby bump. My body was leaning against his side. My head rested on his shoulder. "I'm sure he's in a better place." He told me quietly.

Arch-eler rubbed my back soothingly until my eyes started to flutter shut. He then lowers me slowly onto my side and pulls the blanket over my body.

I held onto his hand, looking at it until I was too tired to keep my eyes open.

I was almost fully asleep when the last thing I heard was Arch-eler saying,

"If you're even up there listening, please keep them safe."


After Baby fell asleep Arch-eler made his way to the first floor and to the kitchen.

Sam and Dean were engrossed in whatever was on Sam's laptop by the looks of it.

Arch-eler glances at the brothers before opening the fridge door to get a water bottle for Baby when she wakes up.

He was about to head upstairs but he heard Dean clear his throat and call his name.

Arch turns around to face Dean Winchester, to be honest he been always secretly scared of him and his brother. They're fucking Winchesters for crying out loud.

"Do you need help or something?" Arch put on his signature smirk to hide the nervousness building up.

"What we need is to talk." Sam spoke up.

Arch-eler leaned against the door frame, keeping the small smile on his face.

"Great. Am I getting the parent talk from my baby momma's half brothers?"

"We're not letting you go near Marianne until we know we can trust you again." says Dean

"I'm not going to hurt her. I've already done enough of that when I left. I'm here to stay, to protect her and our kids."

Sam stands up and starts walking to stand in front of Arch-eler instead of talking across the room.


Everything's very dark around me. The humongous trees around me blocking out most of the moonlight so I was running blindly from whatever was coming towards me.

What was coming towards me?

Loud barking started coming closer and I could hear the rapid footsteps.

It was hard to run on the moist dirt path because I was one, barefoot, and two, holding onto my huge baby bump.

When did it grow? When have I ever owned a white dress? When did I get this knife?

That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I find a place to hide.

I stopped for a split second to rest against a gravestone. I needed to catch my breath.

Was I in labor?

No it's too early, right?

All of a sudden a demonic growl was right on front of me. When I looked down to try to find the source of the sound it was too late.

I could feel its teeth sink into my already scratched up legs. I screamed in pain, calling for anyone to help me.

Then it was like a disembodied voice spoke to me, even though there was no-one around.

Whatever it was told me two clear words

Fight. Run.

I gasp as I sit up on the bed. I look frantically around the room for any signs of demonic hounds. There was none. none

It was morning now. I look down to see I wasn't in a white dress, I was in the same clothes I fell asleep in.

Looking to my left I saw Arch-eler was fast asleep next to me, even though he didn't really need to sleep since he's a demon.

What was that dream?

I run my eyes and groan. Was that from the babies?

"I swear, if that dream was from the two of you, then that's some demented imagination you guys have." I say looking down at my belly.

It didn't grow in size like it was in the dream, so that's good.

"Don't be mean to the kids already." Arch-eler mumbles against the pillow, placing his large hand on my baby bump.

I sigh as I place my hand on top of his.

I really hope that wasn't a vision for the future.


Sorry that this chapter is short and not in detail. I just wanted to update something soon.

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