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Ashtons P.O.V

"Get out of my house." my mom said. I had my bags hunched over my shoulder. The tears streaming down my face. I was holding my sister Lauren closely.

"Please never forget me, I love you." I whispered to her.

"I love you to." she said. My mother was pushing me out the door. It was a rainy day. My little brother Harry reaching out for me. My mother was pulling him away. It was the last time I'd see them for a while, maybe ever again. I wiped the tears from eyes.

"Ashton wait." I heard a familiar voice yell.

I turned around to see my brother Harry. I let the tears fall again.

"I love you Ashton." he said holding on to me. I held him closer.

"I love you to buddy." I said trying to look strong for him. He nodded and went back inside.

I continued walking down the street. I was never to return to Sydney again. The thoughts running through my mind again. It had only happened a year ago.


A/N Sorry for the crappie first chapter I try hard. Please read my story. I really try on these. And love you guys.

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