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Ava's P.O.V

"Michael what do you do for fun here." I asked popping popcorn in my mouth.

"Nothing much, as you can see I'm paralyzed." he said to me.

"Right, Michael?"


"How did you become paralyzed." I asked

"Look I really don't wanna talk about this." he said his body tensing up.

"You can't just keep hiding everything from me." I finally spoke.

"Yes I can I've only known you for two days." He shouted.

"Michael Im-"

"Your what?" he snapped.

"I'm just so confused." I said.

"Confused about what?"

"Does you being paralyzed have something to do with Ashton." I asked.

"Fine you really wanna know something." he snapped.

"Your so called boyfriend Ashton used to be my best friend along with Luke and Calum, we used to be a band, then one day they met my sister, oh and let me tell you all three of them drooled over her, they all wanted her, especially Ashton, so Ashton ended up getting my sister, which made Luke and Calum quite upset." He rubbed his red watery eyes.

"Look Michael you don't have to-"

"No! You want a story you're going to get a fucking story." he yelled.

"Then after Ashton started dating my sister she came in between the band, Ashton ended up putting Lana before the band, few months after they were dating we decided to break the band up, Ashton, Lana, Luke, and Calum went out for a party, I stayed home with my parents, They had on to many drinks at the party, After a while me and my dad decided to go get Lana, cause it was way to late, But while we were driving-" Michael broke down in tears. I wrapped my arms around him.

"You don't have to continue." I felt horrible for asking him to share his story.

"No I have to continue for your own good." he let go of me and wiped his tears.

"While we were driving I got a text from Luke and Calum that said they headed home, I asked them If Lana and Ashton were still there, they said they didn't know,  Then all of sudden I look up to see a car coming right at me and my dad, before I knew it the car flipped off of the road, when I woke up again I was in the hospital. " he spoke.

"Oh my god Michael did you ever find out who-"

"Who the driver was? Yeah we found out Alright, I was in the hospital bed, my mom's eyes were bloodshot red from crying, I asked where my father was she told me he didn't make it, I cried and cried, then I asked her where Lana was cause I needed comfort from my younger sister, but my mom shook her head no, I asked her why, she told me that Lana had died in the car accident,  I couldn't believe it my mind was racing and my heart pounding harder than ever, I asked her who was driving the car, she told me the whole thing, she told me that Ashton and Lana were in the car that crashed into me and my father's car, She also told me that Ashton was driving-"

"No, no, please tell me this is all a lie, No, no, no."

"Ava! Listen to me It's true and you need to stay away from him, he's a killer ok, how do you think I got paralyzed,  I wish I had just died instead, Not being able to walk around at 19 years old is a problem." he yelled.

I stumbled and fell back onto the floor and curled myself up in a corner, how was this true. I needed a second explanation. How could this happen. I had to pack my bags and head back to Adelaide.

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