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Ava's P.O.V

After a while I finally reached Sydney. I got off the train. I walked into the hotel and checked in. A lady with blonde hair was at the front desk.

"Hello sweetie may I have your name please." she asked.

"Yes, Ava Smith." I said.

"There we go, here's your card and my son will show you your room." she said.

A boy in a wheelchair wheeled over to me.

"Hey there Ava." the boy with purple hair said.

"Hey there ugh"

"Michael my name is Michael." he said shaking my head.

"Nice to meet you Michael." I said.

"So let me show you to your room." he said wheeling over to the elevator. We got inside. He pressed the button for the fifth floor.

"So where ya from." he asked.

"Well I'm from California but I moved to Australia and I live in Adelaide." I said.

"Oh cool all my friends live there, we'll at leat they used to be my friends." he said shrugging.

The elevator doors opened. He wheeled out and I followed after him.

"What were your friends names." I asked.

"Well there names were Calum, Luke, and the other one I just completely hate." he said.

"Wait I know them." I said.

"Yeah well if you see Calum and Luke tell them I said hi." he said fiddling with his fingers.

"Sure, but what's the name of the friend you hate." I asked. Michael sighed.

"Ashton, Ashton Irwin." he said.

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