This is my first ever story so... *Inhales* LETS HOPE ITS GOOD. Anyway, it's Titanfall but with a lot of twists and references, I guess you could say it's a crossover but not exactly, main character has powers, follows the campaign. I won't say anyt...
Operation Broadsword, 9th Militia Fleet —————————————————- DESTINATION: Planet Typhon MISSION: Infantry support for SRS classified operation.
IMC Occupied Frontier Space ——————————————
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Over the comms, panicked voices were all shouting on different channels, this was no ordinary operation. (Radio) "Broadsword command, this is the Militia 9th Fleet! We have been ambushed by A.O.D at planet Typhon! The intel was wrong." "IMC on port side! Port side! We are taking hits!" "This is no ordinary research operation, we are going down I repeat we are going down!- Coordinates to follow!" "Sir we lost the Rickman!" "I'm seeing a ton of Anti Orbital Defences! None of it was on the charts!" "Decompression on docks 5 through 9!" Alarms were blaring on each channel, many life pods could be seen bursting through the atmosphere. "All hands abandon ship! *static* —all hands abandon ship!" "Get to the life boats, we're going down we're going down!"— "This is the MCS James MacAllen we are going down! I repeat we are going down!" I could be seen in one of the lifeboats, nothing could have prepared us for what happened here. This operation was so much bigger than we could have imagined.
(Time skip) Gasping as I woke up, I landed in the middle of a war zone. "Mark VIII Lifeboat: Medical Unit: Activated." The lifeboats CPU said. "Occupant: Militia Rifleman- Class 3 Saphira Rose. Stabilize. 250 milligrams of Sansufentyanyl- administered. Caution- Temporary side effects - nausea, dizziness, impaired motor coordination." Halfway through the symptoms I was already starting to feel dizzy, it went away fairly quickly, thanks to my fast healing abilities. As the front hatch burst open, sounds of battle was echoing all over the place, the area was over run with Spectres. Hearing some of my comrades, I got out of my seat and jumped out of my pod, landing with a grunt, I pulled out my flatline and got to cover. Quickly moving forward I laid covering fire on the spectres closing in, tossing a frag grenade behind their cover. As I moved forward I could see a IMC dropship up ahead, things are about to get messy. Glancing to some the fallen Rifleman I glanced away and continued on 'No time to mourn now'. Pulling ahead and taking out a few more spectres, some of my squad came in from behind, there was a good amount left, one of them called for any reinforcements, thankfully there was. Lastimosa answered over the radio "This is Captain Lastimosa, I've got a fix on your location. On my way." Moving forward with my remaining squad, the sound of a TitanFall could be heard just above me "Shit!" I cursed jumping back just in time before I was crushed but not far enough for me to get knocked backwards. My remaining squad could be heard in the background "Hostile Titan! Hostile Titan! Run!" Glancing back to the Titan, it was a Tone class. It turned around and saw me causing me to try and scramble out of the way, right before it tried to crush me BT shot a barrage of missiles at it, knocking it away from me. "IMC Titan acquired." BT flipped it over onto its back causing me to go flying backwards with a pained grunt. Lastimosa disembarked BT and came over to me. "Rose, you're in bad shape. Hold on." He said, his voice laced with worry as he dragged me under a piece of rubble. "This might knock you out, but you should be ok when you wake up." "Lastimosa, hostile Titans inbound. Apex Predators." 'Shit' "Copy that BT. Mercenaries. Stay down, Rose. BT let's go!" Lastimosa said pointing at me as he ran to embark BT. "NO!" I screamed, knowing what his fate was, I wasn't heard as he began fighting multiple Titans at once, he took down the first, but was attacked from behind by another before a Ronin ripped out BT's batteries, causing BT to start sparking wildly. He was punched from the other side by a Legion before he fell, unresponsive. My vision began fading out but not before I used the last of my strength to stay awake for just a bit longer. Remaining quiet and unmoving, I watched as one of the mercenaries 'Richter' came out of his Titan, bending down to slice an ear off one of the fallen Rifleman to keep as a trophy. I cringed but said nothing as he placed it in his pocket 'Disgusting'. The legions hatch opened up for Blisk to stand up and speak "We have 18 hours. 18 hours before the Ark is sealed and ready for delivery." Jumping out of his Titan he approached Richter. "Oi! Richter. Leave the corpses alone, you sick bastard. We've got a job to do, eh? We make corpses - we don't clean em up. Let's go." Those were the last words I heard before the sedative kicked in, I passed out.