gotta love those nolan ripoffs

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I literally just wrote my entire story out of order, it's kind of weird. Kingdom Come (please insert that wherever and whenever I say or have said Wisp) has a bunch of chapters in the middle of the timeline done, one towards the end, and the end to the first section almost completely finished. HOWEVER. The first chapter ISNT EVEN STARTED YET!

And so, in honor of Christopher Nolan, or Tophno as the cool kids call him, and his strange way of telling stories without any kind of coherent timeline, I would like to give you a lesson.

1) start with a (preferably dramatic) prologue scene, bonus points if it's set in the past
2) cut between the past and present without warning, bonus points if your chapters have been published out of order like Firefly
3) use lots of big words, it'll make you and your characters sound smarter and more complex!

and now you've all seen my true cynical movie reviewer side.

Also, semi related, but the book should be updated soon. The reason I brought up my confusing method is because it's obviously a major hinderance to that. Especially when I literally started with my favorite scenes in my outline (wow I'm trying to be professional what the hell) and worked out from there. Also, how often is it that people know what they want to write in the middle of a book and not the beginning and end???

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