,,, novella update

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Hi! Uh, so, about that novella I mentioned a couple parts back,,, it's uh... a quarter of the way done?? Already??

I've only been writing it for about two weeks and I've already got like 5,000 words? I was planning on this coming in under 10,000 but... yeah that's not going to work. BUT! Since I've made a stupid amount of progress on this first draft (way more than I expected to) I figured I'd explain a little bit more to you about it since I might actually be able to post it at the beginning of next year!

So, for starters, no, it's not a rewrite of anything I've already posted. It actually started as a short story that I had planned on publishing in "a day at the beach," but it's since expanded quite a bit. It's gone from one POV character to three, and has therefore practically tripled in length. The more I wrote it and the more things kind of clicked together in my brain, the more I realized the story I wanted to tell was insanely long.

Secondly, it's based on my Dungeons and Dragons world! All of my campaigns are set there at varying points in time, and this takes place before literally all of them. The two reasons this are relevant are 1) fantasy 2) one of the characters is the Raven Queen, who is an actual character in the trademarked D&D lore made by Wizards of the Coast. She's the only hold over from the WotC lore because I find the premise of her fascinating, but since she has a different backstory in my world, I'm writing about her. It also features Moira, my goddess of fate, and Aoibheann, my god of chaos, as the other two POV characters.

Finally, the title. Since part of it is a line from "Eleanor Rigby", I had a hard time settling on this one, but it was just too perfect for these three to not. I've decided to title it All the Lonely People: A Fantastical Tragedy. I'm very excited to finish the first draft and hopefully get to publish it on here for all of you to see soon. Until then, you'll be getting excited updates from me on how it's going. It's been a while since I've written anything, but I'm so happy with how this is going that it feels wrong not to share the joy.

More updates coming soon!


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