Chapter Four - Meghan

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On her first day of lessons, Meghan woke up with a start. Disorientated, she took a few minutes to take in her surroundings, before remembering where she was.

The sheets on her bed were still her sheets, but the duvet felt different to her old one. It was fluffier, and much warmer in the heat. She kicked it off so that it only half covered her, and yawned.

It was six o'clock, the time Meghan always got up on weekdays, and she seemed to be the only one awake. She wanted to shower, but didn't know where they were, so looked desperately at her sleeping roommates. Sensing that they weren't going to wake up any time soon, she climbed out of bed and searched for the map she'd been given yesterday. Working out where she was again, she found the showers back past the common room. She collected up her towel and a fluffy dressing gown, and quietly made her way there without disturbing the other girls in the room.

There was another girl in the shower block and Meghan smiled a hello, before sliding into a cubicle. The hot water helped calm any nerves she had about her first proper day at the school. The shower gel she used was a familiar smell as she rinsed off the bubbles, and she stepped out of the stream of water calmer than before.

When she got back to room seven, the others had started to get out of bed. Tay was hanging off her bunk and talking to Elise, who didn't seem to even be awake. Lzzy was peering into her wardrobe, and from the sounds coming from the bathroom, Amy was inside getting ready.

At just gone seven o'clock, Meghan was dressed and just finishing straightening her hair. Amy was washed and dressed and throwing sharing make-up with Lzzy, who had been in the bathroom but hadn't quite gotten dressed. Tay was completely ready for the day, with hair wet from the shower, but Elise had barely moved from her bed. Aside from quickly freshening up in the bathroom and brushing her hair, and applying a tiny amount of mascara, she declared she had to be fed before she went any further. 

They went down for breakfast, Meghan, Amy and Tay looking ready to take on whatever the day would bring, followed by Lzzy and Elise, who dragged behind in their pyjamas. Meghan coudln't believe they were still in their pyjamas. They were about to walk into a hall full of people, full of boys, how could they be so apathetic about their attire?

The boys who'd joined then for dinner last night were already at the back table when they arrived, and as they chose breakfast and walked over, Meghan was again surprised by how attractive they actually were. She knew that the girls were pretty enough to be popular, but they just didn't have the right attitude. Infact, even in their pyjamas, Lzzy and Elise still looked good. Meghan knew that they did have a little make up on, but to everyone else they looked as if they'd rolled stright out of bed.

Everyone was talking about their lessons for almost the whole of breakfast. Amy, Taylor, Jenna, Elise and Lzzy all had English like Meghan, and offered to show her where the rooms were. Elise and Lzzy were in a seperate room as they'd chosen Language not Literature, but the rooms were next to each other. A boy called Jack was also in their class and told them he'd see them there. Meghan looked at him out of the corner of her eye. He was unusual looking, with a long nose and crazy black and blonde hair. He wasn't conventually attractive, but all his features seemed to go together perfectly. She watched as he talked to Tay, and saw how his body language suggested he was interested. Almost automatically, the tiny details were stored into her brain for further use another time.


Back in the dorms, Meghan started sorting out her stuff for the day. The advantage of boarding was that if you forgot something, it was easy to come back and get it. But walking right the way back up all the stairs every hour didn't sound like a good idea, so Meghan had her sachel and chose carefully what to put in it. She liked her sachel, it was new this year and seriously cute, and it was perfectly sized. She didn't have any books yet, so she collected up her timetable and map, which she assumed she'd end up needing, and her, again new, pencil case. If there's one thing Meghan loved, it was new stationary.

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