Chapter Five - Meghan

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After English, Meghan had a free. She knew where they had frees, she just didn't know how to get there. As they left the classroom she reluctantly asked Oli if he knew the way. He smiled and told her that he had a free too, and offered to walk her there.

They walked down a back set of stairs that were partially obscured, and into another corridor of people. This one was busier than the previous, and Meghan bumped into a few younger students who were running down the corridor.

"Lets cut through IT, it'll be quieter," Oli advised, taking the last door on the right. They entered an ICT suite and Oli made his way towards the back and through a door into a stairwell.

"If you go up, there's some super comfy reading chairs, its where all our fiction books are," Oli told Meghan, "Down is just the general library, this way's quickest to the common rooms,"

They took the stairs and a shortcut through the non-fiction section of the library. Out of the door on the other side, they were back in a corridor Meghan recognised. Elise, Hayley and Jenna were already sat on the comfy chairs, with a boy Meghan thought she remembered from dinner. He introduced himself as Josh, and seemed to be good friends with Oli.

Elise, Hayley and Josh were talking about how they had double Psychology last periods. Elise seemed especially excited to study the subject, but Hayley just looked pleased she was in the same class as Josh.

With no work set yet, having a free seemed like a good time to relax. She asked if anyone had economics third, but no one did. Josh commented that he thought his friend Dan did, and Meghan caught Elise shooting her a look she didn't understand. She seemed slightly worried, and slightly annoyed. Meghan shrugged it off- maybe she'd been wrong, she wasn't really great at reading these new people yet.

After their free was over, they had a break, where more people joined them in the common room. Everyone seemed to straightaway accept Meghan as part of the group. She didn't know everyone's names, but they all included her in their conversations. Obviously there were times when she still felt horrifically new- like when they shared an old joke or she couldn't find her way to lessons- but in just a day, she'd become part of the group.

The boy Josh had mentioned, Dan, showed her the way to economics. He'd already seen the class list grumbling that 'everyone was a twat', but other than that he seemed fairly amiable. They sat together- Dan seemed to hate everyone else, and Meghan didn't know any of them. A few boys said hello to Dan and eyed Meghan, and Dan reacted perfectly nicely until they turned their backs.

"PE class," Dan explained, "bunch of assholes,".  Meghan laughed.

She couldn't remember ever feeling so comfortable around new people before. Even friends she'd had for years would happily drop her if it would benefit themselves. She actually felt like she could be herself here. The popular group were popular because they were genuinely nice, and not because they'd clawed their way to the top. She hadn't had to try and hide her music taste, or fake her personality- for once she was more like herself. It was wonderful but it still made her a little uncomfortable.

Lunch was two hours long, so after a meal in the hall, they headed outside into the gardens. The weather was still beautifully sunny, and they stretched out in the heat, breathing it in. Some people went off to get things done- to talk to teachers or find friends- but most stayed. They only spoke a little, to discuss the summer and their holidays and the year ahead. They talked about music- Meghan discovered that Alex and Jack were in a band- and their favourite bands. Eventually, the bell surprised them all and they rushed to lessons, trying not to be late on their first day.

History was just down the corridor from Economics so Meghan managed to make her own way there. The class was already seated. and Meghan again realised she didn't know anyone. Apart from Oli, who grinned at her and nudged the chair next to him in invitation. She joined him, and the teacher began a slow-paced lecture about the course.

After two long hours, lessons were over for the day. Meghan said goodbye to Oli by the dorms, and headed up to room 7 where the other girls had said to meet. They all changed out of their uniforms and into shorts and t-shirts. Casual wear for the hot weather. With all their new lessons, they had plenty to talk about, and they chatted all the way down to the common rooms.

I've actually had this written since summer, but I've been back at school and its awful so thats taken up all my time I'd usually type up in. The next few chapter also just need typing up, so I'll try not to take too long with those! I wrote them on a sunny beach though, so they're all fairly happy yay!

Thank you so much for reading this far :)

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