Chapter 36

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(( If you read my 30 facts then thank you :), if not, I'm not complaining because I probably wouldn't have read about me anyway:'), I hope you enjoy this update, I just saw I had 216K views! That's siiiiiiickk, as Niall would say. I just realised something, If you think of all the ridiculous things the one direction fandom have done just to say we did, or just to be in with a chance of them noticing us is bizarre, we are literally so far up one directions ass we could give them a colonoscopy. Okay I'm going to start writing now.. Enjoy! )) 



The Killers; Mr Brightside

The Kinks; All day and All of the Night

Grouplove ; Tongue Tied

Phoenix ; Lisztomania


* Elana's point of view *

It was finally Saturday, the day of Mia's birthday party and our second last day in Ireland. 

I fluttered my eyes open, looking over to see the bed was empty, It was then that I heard a loud bang, "Shit!" Niall cursed, making me giggle, "I heard that!" He shouted. 

I rolled out of bed, grabbing a towel before jumping in a quick shower, the warm water immediately waking my tired body. After a relaxing 20 minute shower, I pulled a towel around my body and picked out an outfit for Mia's party, which consisted of a daisy sundress, white frilly socks and low cut black desert boots. I curled my hair then coated my eyelashes with some mascara to finish myself off. 

"You look beautiful." Niall smiled, kissing my cheek before picking up Mia's present and leaving the hotel to drive to Maura's. Niall had informed me that most of his family would be there, maybe even a couple people from his school and It had me in a nervous wreck, to which Niall squeezed my pale thigh, reassuring me. 

"Niall, Elana!" Maura greeted us, pulling me in for a hug, "Mia's just out back, come on in" She smiled fixing her dress and following us out to the backyard.   

"NiNi!" Mia screeched, running over and jumping into Niall's arms, "You came!" He chuckled, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"Of course I did, I wouldn't miss this for the world." He kissed her cheek before letting her down, I admired how good he was with his little sister, he was so good around children and they all seemed to like him very much as all the younger kids used him as a climbing frame throughout the duration of the night, It reminded me o the birthday parties I used to go to when I was young, where they played pin the tail on the donkey, musical statues, Simon says and my favourite, pass the parcel. I felt a wave of nostalgia when I remembered my childhood in Denver, Colorado. I remembered all my childhood friends, and wondered where they are now, a few had gone to Colorado university with me but I hadn't heard from them since I moved to Arizona 

"You okay babe?" Niall made sure, although I couldn't take him seriously when a little boy, around 10 kicked him right in the.. well, you catch my drift. He let out an inhuman noise, collapsing onto the chair next to me where I had Theo on my knee. "holy sh-" I cut him off, putting my finger to his mouth. 

"language, Ni. There's children here." I laughed, but he didn't find it amusing. 

"You could always kiss it better later." Now it was his time to joke, his words definitely catching me off guard, sending a red blush to creep across my cheeks.

"Niall!" I whisper-yelled, he just smirked, clasping his hands over his lap.

"Arhguol" Theo gargled, causing Niall and I to giggled at his way of talking.  

"Find me a cuter kid! You won't!" Niall chirped, smiling down at his beautiful nephew. (see what I did there;) )

It was around 5pm now and the party had ended around a half hour ago, but Niall and I volunteered to help clean up, well.. I did, Niall just sat on his phone with Theo on his lap. Anti-social little shit.

"Thank you so much for your help Elana, I think Mia had an amazing birthday by the looks of things." We looked over at the now 12 year old girl, her brand new iPod in hand and grinning away like nothing on earth, she definitely looked like she had a great party. 

"Oh don't thank me, I'm so happy I could be here, Ireland's been amazing and you've all treat me like part of the family, I don't think i want to leave!" I smiled, which Maura did too, bringing me in for a hug.

"That's because you are part of the family now! You and Denise are like the daughters I never had!" She laughed, packing all of the spare party things that didn't get used into boxes. "I'll be so sad to see you two leave, I've missed Niall so much, and somethings telling me he wouldn't have came home if it weren't for you. He's like a completely different person now. He finally called me mum." I could see her eyes getting glassy, a stray tear escaping and cascading down her face. 

"Oh Maura don't cry, he'll always be your son, whether I was here or not, he loves you so much, he just isn't great at showing emotion." I joked, finally finding myself a little teary, she squeezed my hands, grinning at me before wiping away her tears. 

"Well you two better get going, seems Niall's a little worn out after all that exercise." She giggled, pointing over to where Niall had fallen asleep in a large chair, with Theo resting on his chest. That sight could cure cancer and end wars. 


"Niallerrrr." I poked his cheek, pecked his nose, his lips, nothing seemed to wake him up. I brought my hands to his sides, prodding him with my hands until a smile broke out on his face, trying to push my hands away, "You were awake all this time." I pouted, causing him to chuckle and kiss my nose, which I then scrunched up after.  

"Get out me carrr." Niall joked,causing me to erupt into fits of laughter. 

"You're such a loser." II laughed, jumping out the car, locking it before following behind Niall as we made our way to the entrance of the hotel and into our room. 

I jumped on the bed, making a star shape so Niall couldn't lie down, he whined, squeezing into the little space my body couldn't take up. He rolled over, so he was hovering over me in a push-up position. He stretched his arms out, doing a push up and every time he went down he pecked my lips. 

Safe to say, I was in love with a moron, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


((I'm sorry this chapter is super short and super sucky but I have bad writers block and I'm going away for a week again so I wanted to give you an update before I left, also school starts in like 10 days and I'm sooo not ready to go back. I've gotten used to going to bed at 5 am and waking up at 2pm... Anyway, If you didn't get that bit about the 'get out me carr' then WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? If you haven't, it's on the side, It's so funny:')! Also, does anyone want me to do a 'my top ten favourite fanfictions?' Because I feel as though there is some fanfics I've read that are superrr underrated... Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and before we finish I'm going to end this on a more serious note, sorta to motivate you:).. If you want something, like a nice body, go work for it, you want to be a lawyer, work your ass off to get there, if you don't like your hair, pick a style and get it done, It's time our generation stopped being afraid of challenges, afraid of being judged. Stop being afraid and do what makes you happy, because what would you rather do, look back on your life saying 'I can't believe I did that' or 'I wish I had the courage to do that' If you ever need the support, I am right here behind you, not literally but metaphorically. You need support? There will sure as hell be someone who will do exactly that, and if there's not? You're always just a message away from making a brand new friend. If you need to talk, just kik me 'twerkwithziall' or message me on this and I'll be there for you as fast as I can. ily all sooo much, I can't even fathom how much you mean to me. Stay strong m'beauties!!!!))

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