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I wake the next morning and roll out of Charlie's guest bed groggily

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I wake the next morning and roll out of Charlie's guest bed groggily. I brush my teeth with the extra toothbrush Charlie lent me, washing my face with the soap bar next to the sink. I tie my wavy hair up into a high ponytail since I don't have a brush. I slept in Thorne's hoodie and a pair of Charlie's shorts that she was kind enough to lend to me.

Wandering into the kitchen, I'm not expecting anyone else to be up. It's about eight in the morning, which is pretty early for a Saturday. Jay and Wells left around one AM, promising we'd all hang out again soon.

I'm surprised to find that Charlie's already awake, sipping from a mug by the kitchen counter.

"Hey!" she says brightly when she notices me, grinning. Charlie gestures to the coffee machine by the sink, handing me a mug. "Please," she says kindly. "Fix yourself some. Did you sleep well?"

"Thank you," I say politely, pouring some of the black coffee into the mug Charlie gave me. "And yeah, I did. Thanks for letting me stay over. I really didn't want my mom to catch me sneaking out."

"It's no problem," Charlie assures me. "Whenever Thorne comes over, that room is usually his."

I don't know why my heart leaps at Charlie's words. Thinking about the fact that Thorne basically gave me his room for the night makes me smile. Plus, thinking about Thorne sleeping in that bed and then me doing the same thing makes my heart pound the slightest bit harder. Suddenly, it's really hot in here.

"The Princess himself is still sleeping," Charlie tells me, grabbing a pair of headphones off of the counter. "I'm gonna go off on my morning run, so you're welcome to watch TV or whatever. I'll be back in a few." How is it possible for a human to be so genuinely kind?

Charlie heads off, and I can hear the front door closing behind her. I wander into the living room, leaving my mug in the kitchen. I find Thorne laying on the couch, a blanket strewn over his body messily. One of his arms hangs over the couch, his hand touching the ground. I can't help but smile at how he looks right now, his dark hair all messy and a peaceful expression on his features.

"Ugh," Thorne groans, his eyes fluttering. "Turn the lights out."

"That's the sun, stupid," I tease him, flicking his hand with my foot.

"Did you say the sun is stupid?" he asks groggily, his eyes still closed. "Because I respect that."

I roll my eyes, my grin giving away how I really feel about him. As I walk past the couch, heading for one of the recliners, Thorne grabs my wrist and pulls me back. He doesn't stop pulling until I'm next to him on the couch, and then he's wrapping his arms around my body, pulling me into his chest.

"Thorne!" I cry as I realize that he's basically cuddling me. And I don't mind being wrapped around him like this, don't get me wrong, but I don't like not knowing where I stand with him. Friends—what he called me last night—don't cuddle with each other.

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