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Standing outside in the chilly winter air, I hardly feel the cold at all

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Standing outside in the chilly winter air, I hardly feel the cold at all. This may have something to do with the warm down jacket I wear, or maybe it's because I'm surrounded by the people I love, all of us gathered in the parking lot of the county jail with a mutual purpose.

Deep down, I know my good mood really has everything to do with the fact that today will be the day I am finally reunited with Thorne after a week apart. After what feels like a dreadful eternity, the boy I love will finally be back where he belongs: by my side.

"Excited?" Charlie asks from where she stands next to me, her gray eyes gleaming knowingly as they meet mine. I can hardly stand still as I turn to face my friend, feeling happy and invigorated.

"You have no idea." I shoot Charlie a smile full of warmth, unable to contain my elation.

"I can't believe our plan really worked," Wells muses, running a hand through his golden hair, his amber eyes finding mine. "I mean, we got Thorne's dad to agree to pay Thorne's bail. That's crazy."

"We?" Violet scoffs, sashaying over to where Wells, Charlie, and I stand in a little huddle. She tosses her purple-streaked hair behind her shoulder as she takes my side, wrapping an arm around my shoulders to pull me into her. "Please. That was all Mia here."

"Fair enough," Wells agrees, much to my embarrassment, a faint smile outlining his lips. "Who knew Mia could be badass when she wanted to be?" Wells teases, poking my side playfully.

"Come on, you guys," I counter as Jay strolls toward the rest of us, car keys in hand. "It wasn't just me that got this plan to work. I mean, I couldn't have done it without your help writing that exposé. Or without Charlie going all karate kid on the security guards that were chasing us."

Charlie smirks, her eyes dancing as she shoots me a satisfied look. "I am pretty good at going karate kid on annoying security guards, aren't I?"

A laugh escapes my lips, the sound light and breezy. I can't remember the last time I laughed, as I've been under a lot of stress these past few days. But right now, gathered with my friends as we wait for Thorne—the boy who brought all of us together—to finally be reunited with the people who love him, I feel as light as a feather. Just knowing that I'm going to be seeing Thorne in only a few short minutes has every worry and fear that's been consuming me over the past week flying out of the window, unable to bother me any longer.

For the first time in a long time, I feel really, truly at peace. Happy, even. I didn't realize how much I've missed the feeling until I'm experiencing it again, cherishing the emotion just in case it doesn't last long.

"Seriously," I find myself mumbling softly, looking at each of my friends closely in turn, unable to describe the amount of love I feel for each of them. "I wouldn't have been able to get to this point without you guys. This means a lot to me, and I know it means a lot to Thorne, too. So, thank you." Only seconds ago I was happy and laughing, but now my eyes prickle with oncoming tears. I blame my roller-coaster feelings on the fact that today is a very emotional day, though I know it runs deeper than that.

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