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"Where in the world have you been?"

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"Where in the world have you been?"

I don't return to my house until the next afternoon once school ends. Since I'd gone home with Thorne, I accidentally fell asleep there. I didn't have my car—it was still parked at the school lot—so I just stayed with Thorne for the rest of the day. With all the commotion that's been going on in my life, I somehow managed to forget to call my parents and give them some excuse about where I've been.


"Uh . . ." I trail off, staring blankly at both of my parents, who sit at the kitchen table staring at me with looks that could kill.

"You better explain yourself, young lady," Dad growls, his blue eyes practically seething. "Or don't expect to leave your room anytime soon."

"Didn't I tell you?" I blurt, going with the first thing that comes to mind. "I was staying the night at Saige's." Yeah, right. "We were working on a project all day, and my phone died. I must have blacked out before I remembered to call you guys."

Mom and Dad don't say a word. They just stare at me as if I'm some filthy, disgusting animal that's managed to worm its way into their lives. Mom's gaze is icy as it meets mine, and I can feel myself shivering. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it. And I get the feeling things are about to get a lot worse.

"You weren't at Saige's." Mom says the words evenly with the confidence of someone who knows that as a fact. "I called Saige's house when you didn't show up home last night. Her mother said you weren't there, and that she hadn't seen you in days. Emmie's mother said the same thing. In fact, Emmie wasn't even at her house last night."

Oh no. Think, Mia. What do you say now? Don't just stand there like an idiot! Say something! Make them believe you!

I stand stiffly, like a snowman. I open and close my mouth, but it's like I've forgotten how to speak. I've never been caught in a lie before, and now I have no clue what I'm supposed to do.

"Where were you really?" My dad practically whispers the words. For some reason, his quietness is scarier to me than if he were yelling. In fact, I wish he was. I'm prepared to have my parents yell at me. I'm not prepared for them to act this way: like they already know where I was but just want to hear me admit to it first.

I won't.

"I . . ." I trail off, shaking my head. "I can't tell you."

"Mia Rose McHenry!" My mother gasps, shooting out of her chair. "Since when do you keep secrets from us? Since when do you lie to your parents?" I hang my head in shame as my mother hurls accusations at my face. As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. A month ago, before Thorne, this wouldn't even be happening. I wouldn't have lied. I wouldn't be keeping secrets.

Does that mean I regret who I'm becoming? Not one bit.

"Who are you?" Mom points a finger in my direction, blowing her lid. "What have you done with my daughter? It's like I don't even know who you are anymore!"

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