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"You have to say sorry," I tell Thorne approximately seven minutes after he punches Wells in the face as we're standing outside on Charlie's balcony, so I can fuss at my boyfriend (I don't think I'll ever get used to calling Thorne that) in private

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"You have to say sorry," I tell Thorne approximately seven minutes after he punches Wells in the face as we're standing outside on Charlie's balcony, so I can fuss at my boyfriend (I don't think I'll ever get used to calling Thorne that) in private.

"Hell no," Thorne spits, shaking his head stubbornly. "I am not saying sorry for punching him. Not happening."

"Thorne!" I stomp my foot in frustration, this close to losing it. "You've known Wells since you were a kid. What's worth losing that friendship?"

"You." Thorne doesn't even blink as he says the word, his gaze unwavering from mine. I don't give him the satisfaction of seeing me smile. The smooth bastard.

"You know good and well that nothing was going to happen between the two of us," I chide him. "He only complimented me a few times! You freaking punched him in the face!"

"I can't help it that I don't like when other guys talk to you like that!" There's a weird strained expression on Thorne's face, as if he's confused. "I don't know what happens to me, but I get this weird protective feeling in my chest. Just having him look at you makes me want to rip his head off."

Don't smile, Mia. Stay strong. "You have to get over that," I tell him, rolling my eyes. "Every time a girl looks at you I don't flip my shit."

"Trust me," Thorne mutters in a low tone. "I know. I beat the shit out of Jake Chamberlain after he asked you for a pencil."

I widen my eyes, wondering if I heard him correctly. "You what?"

"Forget I said anything." Thorne waves me off, gripping the railing before turning and leaning against it, staring at me with those deep green eyes of his. It's cold, so I have to cross my arms to stay warm. It's only fall, but the chill is already biting.

"I don't know what you're doing to me," Thorne says, his voice a husky whisper. "I can't decide if I love it or hate it."

"Look." I cross over to him, standing in front of him. He's a good three inches taller than me, so I have to look up when I'm standing this close to him just so I can see his face. He makes me feel tiny and small, but I don't mind. "It's okay to be jealous sometimes. It is not okay, however, to punch your friends in the face just because they say I look nice."

"Can we skip the lecture and fast-forward to the part where I press you against the wall now?" Thorne tries, smirking.

I bite back my grin, rolling my eyes. "No," I tell him. "We can't."

"I'll apologize, okay?" Thorne huffs, throwing his hands up. "I'll even hold his ice pack for him, all right? But he better not try that again, or I'll fuc—"

"Thorne," I say in a warning tone.

"I'll freaking kill him," Thorne finishes, grinning like he thinks he's all that. "I watched the profanity. Happy now?"

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