For The Empire

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Imperial Space, Kedala System
Dar Havon, 61st Stormtrooper battalion

  "It's a lie it has to be" I yelled as I looked at the holo-net. In front of me was a lie, a piece of rebel propaganda. It said the Emperor along with his right hand, Lord Vader was killed by the rebellion. My yell, caught the attention of everyone, in the barracks. All of whom looked at me as if I had, gone completely mad.

  "Yeah we know Dar, we're reduced to eating that slob of protein again." a voice came from behind said. I turned behind and saw, Loma one of my squad-mates also known as the "Joker" of the group. He was a man around my height, always had his a hair slicked back and never seem to lose that smile of his.

  In response I just, turned around my eyes looking straight into his. I see he was, waning a little, despite his smile never leaving his face. I then showed him the tablet that was in my hand, and handed it to him. I saw him looked confused at the action, before taking the tablet from my hand. After a few seconds, I saw his entire face drop and the smile he once had vanish in an instant. Replace with a shocked face, his mouth left wide open and eyes were filled with dread.

  He then looked at me, his body was void of color. As if his soul had been completely sucked out of his body, leaving only the husk of a body. He then looked at me, eyes matching mine in terms of sheer horror of the notion the Emperor is dead. He then grasped my shoulders, his grip making a noise, as it grew harder, straining the locks of my horror under his touch. "Your lying right, this is some just  cruel joke, he can't be dead. HE CANT BE!!!"

  Before I could say anything there was sudden wish, as the door to the barracks was slid open. I turned my attention to the door, as did everyone else. Soon Enough a figure stepped in, he wore the standard issue Stormtrooper Equipment, save for the left shoulder guard. It was painted Brown a stark contrast, to the rest of the white armor we wore.

  I immediately recognized him, it was the Sergeant. Raz was the veteran of the group, claiming to be one of the first Stormtroopers. None of us questioned it, he was years older than any of us. Being in the 61st, ever since its formation in late 11 BBY. As he took off his helmet, his face was further proof of his claim.

It carried a heavy weight to it, his eyes even more. He didn't need to say anything, his face said it all. Even pupils carried a weight of to them. The weight of numerous campaigns and battles, seen friends and foes die in front of him. And if his whitened hair had anything to say about it, he had seen the Clone Wars first hand.

  My thoughts were interrupted as he moved to speak. "I suppose you two heard the news", he had a deep and course voice that ended with a slight rasp. I could only simply nod, as Loma was still mortified with the news. He seemed content with that answer, as he turned to face those in their beds or standing at attention.

  "The Emperor is dead, the Admiral has just received news from Moff Stalfeld.", there was no answer as Har, Staz, Grey, Britchwood, Highmoon, Marby, and Singer we're left shocked. He didn't wait for a response, as he continued to speak. "Commander Reem has ordered us, to make landing on the capital and-" he was cut off, by laughing soon turning into cackling. We all turned to the source of the laughter, writhing in his bed was Britchwood. We stared at him, for seconds on end until he decided to calm down.

  "Do you seriously believe this, it's over WE LOST AHAHAHAHAHA" he resumed laughing as we all just stared at him. I turned my attention to Raz, as I nodded my head towards Britchwood's direction. He looked at me for a brief second, before marching to Britchwood's bunk. Stoping just short a few inches, he waited patiently for him to finish his little "session". Seeing him not stopping, he simply just grabbed the laughing man and tossed him on the ground. Britchwood landed with a heavy thud, I saw him scramble on the floor as he attempted to put distance between him and Raz.

  I turned around, from the incident knowing full well Raz was going to go on a rant. Probably reprimand him too if things go in the way I think there going. Eventually I tuned it all out, as I turned my attention to the holo-net's news, combined with how the rest of my squad, are just trying to cope with the situation. Only one thing crossed my mind.

"The Galaxy is about to change, I fear the worst for us."

Steel Fist's Bridge, Kedala System
Wilhelm Strakon, Admiral of the 7th fleet

  "Sir?" I looked to my side, to see one of the higher ranked officers. A look of worry and confusion was plastered on his face, to be expected with news such as this. We received it only minutes ago, and the resulting effect on those who heard varied. He was one the calmer one, some had mental breakdowns, while others believed it to be a lie, a piece of rebel propaganda.

"We need orders", I just sighed and turned around to face him. "How many have received the message." the officer just turned his face down. He looked like he was trying to search for words, minutes bled by. Until he turned to face me, "Only those in the Star Destroyers, Sir."

I turned to face the entire bridge, all from the technicians to the navigators. They all looked at me with the same face, they seemed to view me as a ray of hope. Something to cling onto, in this time of crisis.

"Lockdown the system, we will follow the chain of command and wait until further orders." I spoke asserting dominance and discipline on the crew. Most just looked on, shocked with how ridiculous my orders were. Some who are native to the system, looked at me with contempt most likely seeing this as, an a-front to their rights.

"NOW!!" I yelled, the sound of the voice broke the silence as everyone immediately sprung into action. "And deploy the forces under Commander Reem's command." I said as went to exit the bridge. As I began walking to, the elevator I could still feel the glare of some of the bridge crew. I turned to face the elevator as it's doors closed down on me. Once it was closed, I let out a heavy sigh. "I feared this would happen, the Emperor has underestimated the Rebellion....and payed the price." I said to myself.

If anyone was to receive this news, the entire system would rebel against us. It would take months and most of our resources to quell a rebellion of that scale. Time that I didn't have or afforded. Hopefully, Commander Reem will suppress any notion of rebellion.

I pulled out my communicator and pressed the button, after a few blinks, a voice came through the other side. "Admiral, what do you want this time." I didn't need a face to know who it was. "Reem, I trust you have your orders already." the voice was quick to respond. " Of course, sitting around in space is boring and it will take the edge off." Reem was expectantly very excited, he always preferred being on the ground than in space.

"Then deploy your forces, planet side now" I said putting an emphasis on now. I turned off my comm and proceeded to head to my room. I walked down the halls as all around me, the crew were scrambling, it was a mess but, it was better than sulking over the death of one man. A man who let this rebellion, fester like a sickness, spreading unchecked as it corrupted any world it touched.

"Now it's my turn, to deal with this rebellion and I intend to pulled them apart root and stem......The Rebellion will suffer, that I can assure."

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