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I do not own any of the black butler characters


When I snapped my eye open, I was greeted whit an unfamiliar ceiling, strange but heavenly comfortable bed and a mysterious, to big, but nice and cosy room. I didn't know where I was or how I had got here. I looked around a little and spotted a shiny mirror whit a beautiful silver frame, I just could not resist it. So I stepped carefully down from the bed and made my way over to it and looked at my reflection I had long gray blue hair, fair skin and a sapphire blue eye. WAIT only one eye the other eye had an eye patch and then I remembered what had happened


It was hot. Every thing was on fire I could here my little brother scream my name I tried to shout back that I was okay but I couldn't do that because I was unconscious, I feel that someone was carrying me further away from the fire and my little brother. Then the last bit of my conscious slipped away from my mind and everything went pitch-black...

The next thing I know I woke up tied to a table whit my bare back showing, I had an eerie feeling about this. Around the table it stood weird people whit night black robes that cowered there faces. One was holding some kind of iron that he hade put in the red fire, while the others was chanting something about clean the unclean. Then the one whit the iron stepped forward whit slow steps slowly making his way to the table I was tied to and when he stopped he held the iron high above his head and brought it down whit fast speed on my back. I screamed like it was no tomorrow, for the pain hurt like no other and I past out again...

then for some reason I found myself on the highest point of london bridge and I thought 'why not I have nothing left to live for' and I jumped down to an eternal sleep or so I thougt. I returned to consciousness, I was in some kind of strange land it was to hot, hade fire and spooky shadowes everywhere. after I hade looked around for a bit i heard a dark voice say

"are you sure you want to sleep for an eternity when your precious brother is still alive "

'he is 'I thought

"yes" he said

"but how, I am already dead I can't possibly go back anymore"

"yes you can but only if you let me turn you in to a demon"

"whats the price" I said suspiciously

" the price is your left eye and that I get to se you suffer eternal hunger for souls"

"fine turn me then"

"are you sure? "


"very well this may hurt a lot"

after he had said that I felt it, the pain. It felt like my soul was ripped apart and mended together again and again until I heard one word "done" ...


I drooped down on my knees and just stare whit an empty look

'so it was true'

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