chapter 4

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So here is a short new chapter Hopefully you'll enjoy it but remember it's short

When I heard Ciel screaming I didn't think I just ran I pushed Sebastian of me and ran to Ciel's room and almost knocked down the door what I saw was ciel whit tears his eyes and shaking like he was cold even though it was warm. He have had a nightmare I noticed directly I embraced him rocking him and telling him that everything would be just fine that nothing could hurt him now that I was here. After a while he stopped crying and he went back to sleep but before he fell in to the dark abyss of dreams he demanded that I would stay with him. So I toke a seat by his bed and began quietly humming a lullaby which I just to sing for him when he was younger though I doubt that he remembers it. When I was sure that he really was sleeping I turned into a gray coloured cat and made myself comfortable on the end of the bed and just sat there as an guardian protecting my dear brother from nightmares.

"Five more minutes"
"That won't simply work you have got an new mission today we have to catch this jack the ripper as he likes to call himself"
"Fine" was the answer I gave reluctantly and got up. (Y/N) had already gone to the dinning room and was waiting there while Sebastian helped me to get dressed. Some days I just wish that I would have the opportunity to sleep a bit longer but it isn't good to do so, so I just push those toughest aside and get up anyway. Dressed and done I went to the dinning room.

was the answer I got from my sister when I told her about my schedule for today, I do feel happy that she is worried about me but I can't disobey an order for the Queen. "Listen this mission was an order from the Queen I ha-"
"(Y/N) I'm going no matter how many times you say no"
"Arrgh sometimes it would make me so happy if you could listen to me. There is no avoiding it I'm coming with you"
"Fine If it makes you happy"

Ciel told me every little detail about this jack the ripper that he knew of and it got me wondering why someone would do such a thing killing prostitutes that is, it was s confusing but I guess this jack person got his reasons but I think nobody has never got a good enough reason to kill it's just to cruel.

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