Chapter 1

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(Y/N)=your name

(F/C)=fav color

ps you are a cat demon if you didn't know

2 years later...

it was quite the gloomy day but that didn't stop me from looking for my brother. 2 years ago when I was in that hotel and went to ask the landlord where I was I found out that I was in Scotland plus I was broke, luckily some anonymous person had paid for my stay there but I left shortly after to walk the whole way to London if I had to (and I did, but I didn't use any of my demon powers except for a simple transformation now and then if it was needed). To put it simple it was rough but that is a whole other story not worthy of my time now.

I was walking down one of London's many streets when I heard someone call out my name

"(Y/N)!!? "

I turned around and saw the person I had search for

"CIEL!!!!" I shouted happily

ran up to him and hugged him  I was so happy to have found him that I started to cry tears of joy.

Ciel's PoV

When I saw my long lost sister I became happy I was happy for the first time in 2 years thinking she was dead. Because back then when I had got news about (Y/N)'s disappearance,( they could not say she was dead cuz the police didn't find the body nether did I). It felt like the last piece of my family was taken from me and I was left whit my loyal butler Sebastian. 

(Y/N)'s PoV

then after I had stop crying a man no a demon whit raven black hair and crimson red eyes walked up to Ceil and said

"You can't just run away like that young master... and Who might this young beauty be "

I blushed a little when I was called beauty by such a handsome demon, but still he was a demon that possessed a great deal of power so I was being careful and alert. When ciel saw that I suspected him he sighed and answered in my place

"Sebastian this is my sister (Y/N) Phantomhive and (Y/N) this is my butler Sebastian Michaelis "

'Sebastian I thought what a beautiful name WAIT NO NO NO I can't possible fall for a guy I just met and I can't afford to have my heart broken again'

Sebastian's PoV

it was a rather gray day today but me  and my lord had to go out and get young master's new walking stick because finny had broken the old one. when all of a sudden the young master toke of in full speed and shouted one name


"CIEL!!!!" The woman shouted back

they ran up to each other and hugged, it was then I saw that the woman was like a girly copy of my young  master but it was something off about her and I realised that she was a demon but not a strong one at the moment but she could become and she was a cat demon

'this should be fun'

time skip

(Y/N) PoV

while Sebastian was driving the carriage back to the manor, me and ciel was talking about all that had happened and I told him that I was a demon but he just laughed and said

"that suites you well, cuz you have always been the darker one of us "

I smirked and laughed whit him, than  I saw the Phantomhive manor and I was so surprised that I almost fell of my seat because it looked like it never had burned down.


I snapped out of my daze and looked ciel whit an worried expression and asked what had just happened and he just looked annoyed and said " you'll see" and when the carriage stopped, Sebastian opened the door and helped ciel and me out of the carriage and he held my hand longer then he needed, I looked up in to his crimson red eyes and he caught my eye and held my gaze for what seemed like an eternity and then 3 servants came running out from the manor screaming Sebastian's name. I realised that I had been gazing far to long at him so I blushed and looked down to avoid his intense gaze. he seemed to be a bit upset to be botherd put he turned and asked.

"what have you three done now"

"It was alot of meat to dinner today so I used
dynamite " the chef said

" I thought the weed would disappear faster if I just allot of weedkiller" said the gardener 

"I was trying to put away some plates and I tripped and fell, yes I did" the red headed maid said

then they notice me and asked "who are you?"

"my name is (Y/N) Phantomhive and I'm Ciel's older sister, it's a pleasure to meet you"

*some time later in Ciel's study*

We talked a little more and when Sebastian was done whit fixing what the servants had broken he came to the study whit tee to ciel and then Ciel told me that he had a contract whit Sebastian, I just stare at him like he was joking but he said it was true and I know Ciel would never lie about something like this and I felt like my whole world had fallen apart , first I turned myself into a demon because I was selfish and didn't want to leave Ciel alone and then when I finally find him, he then tells me that he has already sold his soul to a demon cuz he wanted revenge on our parents murderer,I can understand that he wants revenge because I want that to but I can't understand why HE had to sell his soul. then I snapped and I could fell rage flowing through my veins and I knew on thing and It was that I needed to get out now so I ran straight to the open window and jumped...  

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