Chapter 3

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A/N I am truly sorry for the late update but here it's now so enjoy

// Emi the head of the Neko household

(Y/N)'s PoV

When I opened my eye it was pretty much pitch-black just a bit little cold blue moonlight streaming in from the gap in the curtains. I closed my eye trying to go back to sleep but it was in vain, so I stood up and changed in to a new lovely (F/C) dress that didn't need a corset. I didn't have a plan so I just walked out in to the moonlight hall and walked stealthily to the stairs and jumped down with out making a sound. then I saw warm light coming out from the library, I know that "curiosity killed the neko" but I just had to know who was up this late, I had a guess. I toke some steps until I was right in front of the door and I grabbed the doorknob and very slowly opened the door, just tiny gap so I could look inside and I saw... Sebastian cleaning the bookshelves. I was about to leave after I had gazed at him for a minute or two, when I turned my back to the door, "someone" grabbed my shoulder and pinned me to the wall, my heart started to beat faster and I blushed madly. He then realised that it was me and he asked,

" why are you sneaking around this time of the night, my little kitten "  he said with a  smirk

"now reason, I was board so I would like to play whit you " I purred innocently while my eye turned to that of a cat's and my cat ears and tail came out, I dived under he's arm and ran down the stairs to the basement and hide in a random room.

Sebastian's PoV

"Then let the game begin "

I said and toke of after she had disappeared. It didn't take me long before I found out where she was hiding but I wanted to play a little more, so I toke normal steps and walked passed the door and hid behind the door and waited. After about 15 min later she sneaked out from the room and I embraced her from behind. (Y/N) yelped when I caught her off guard. Then she turned her head and looked right into my eyes whit her beautiful sapphire blue eye.

"Surprised to see me (Y/N)"

"Not really "

Then she blushed crimson red and turned her head so she was staring down on the floor.

"Don't hid your face kitten , look at me"

she stubbornly refused to look at me and said

"It's to embarrassing"

(Y/N) PoV

"(Y/N) It's just me here, everyone else is sleeping"

He whisper right next to my ear so I could feel his cold breath, but even tho his breath was cold it made me feel hot and strange  so I still didn't look at him and said

"because it's you it's embarrassing"

Then he pinned me to the floor and whisper hoarsely into my ear

"Then I'll embarress you even more"

And kissed me passionetly, first I heseteited but then pretty much all logic disapperd and I kissed back  just as passionet as he did. After a while we broke appart and I gazed into his beuitiful crimson red eyes and I said

"You have so beutiful eyes"

His eyes flashed a demonic pink and I could almost se him blush a little.

"But your eye are more beutiful, my sweet kitten"

He said and to hid the fact he was blushing, he began leaving small kisses down my neck to my color bone and up to my ear.

Then all of a sudden we could hear ciel scream.



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