Chapter 2

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(E/C)= eye color cuz when your in true demon for your eye color changes from sapphire blue to (E/C) and I'm will let you choose that color

(F/C)= fav color 

(Y/N)'s PoV

It was dark only a little flare of Dark spiteful blue fire, this had only happened once before. then a whole city had been destroyed all because of my uncontrollable rage and my first boyfriend cheating on me. It was nothing I could do now cuz I literally  was looked inside my mind, my demon side breaks lose and my true form shows. my only hop right now was that Sebastian would understand what had happened, stop me before it was to late.

Sebastian's PoV

it happened fast I could have stopped (Y/N) when she jumped trough the window, but I saw in her eye that she needed to get out of here and fast. when demons become angry it's not a simple tantrum no it is much more, you could say that hell breaks out from inside them. oh dear I have to stop her before she destroys the mansion but how....

"oh that might work" I mutter to myself

and jumped out the window after her

(Y/N) was one of a kind because even tho she was in her true form she was beautiful,(Y/N) had a long fluffy cat tail, sexy (E/C) eye and cute cat ears. However I had to stop her and fast so I ran up to  her shouted her name but she didn't react to it. I sensed that she still had a bit of consciousness left so this might work so put my plan to work, I dashed for her and embraced her, before she had the chance to resist I kissed her. It was a success because she directly reacted and purred just like a cat.

(Y/N) PoV

Still trapped in the darkness I could faintly hear someone call my name, but I was to busy trying to control myself that I didn't answer. all of a sudden I was being embraced my demon self wasn't as fast as my clam self but it was twice as strong. before "I" could react I was kissed, it made me clam down at once I started to purr. it was the most passionate kiss I have ever got and when we broke apart, I opened my eye and was surprised to see Sebastian in front of me. I blushed and averted my eye , he chuckled smoothly and toke of one of his gloves seductively and put his hand to my chin and forced me to look at him. His eyes flashed a demonic pink color and just as he was about to kiss me again we heard someone clear his throat, I snapped my head to where it had came from and saw an embarrassed ciel in the window and a little annoyed he said

" Sebastian !!! take your hands of my sister and serve me my tea and don't you dear ignore me "

disappointed he withdrew his hand from my chin he sighted and left me to go and serve ciel his tea. when I could not see him anymore, I looked at my surrounding and noticed a marvelous garden my feet magically toke some steps closer to the garden and my eye was caught by a beautiful (F/C) rose bush, I spent hours walking around the garden until "someone" tapped my shoulder and whispered in to my ear

" you are the most beautiful neko I have ever seen "

I turned around and saw Sebastian whit a light blush on his cheeks, standing there holding a (F/C) rose in his hand that he gave to me and asked me

"would you like to take a walk whit me?"

I answered....

"Y-yes" I  said whit a shivering voice and toke his hand that he offered to me.Then we started to walk and before I knew it, it was morning and he had to go and wake up my Little brother leaving me again. I didn't have anything better to do so I walked to my bedroom and fell asleep in my clothes because I was to tired to take them of and then the last bit of my mind shut down and I fell deep down in to a dark hole whit no dreams and no colors.

this here is just a thought

(when I become my true demon self it drains a lot of power it's both bad and good first I get to sleep and that is a good thing second I have to almost destroy a city to get this drained and that's bad so I usually avoid become that side of me) 

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