"..." [Part II] (Ch.9)

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The elevator dinged once and opened. Ponder stepped out,eyeing the hall, nobody. With a cursory glance if the clock he read: 8 P.M, he missed dinner. He gritted his teeth, Preachy was cooking tonight, she'd be furious with him.

He took his first steps, like a thief in the night, stalking their way to a prize. Each moment made Ponder feel like an outsider to his own home. A feeling that made his stomach flip upside down; he didn't like this.

Slowly he took his keys and fumbled them by accident. Painstakingly, he turned the keys, he yelped softly as he heard the click of the door. He slowly pushed it open as he tentatively removed his shoes and slowly tried to remove his jacket.

He tiptoed about, creeping past the small latches where Royal and Elegant slept. Passing the painting of some mountain to the north, some family photos of the Pines.

He passed the opening to the kitchen, hearing little noise and then spotted his room across the living room. Ge wiggled furiosuly as he attempted to slide his arms out of his sleeves. He took a step forward, the floorboards creaking ever slightly. He smiled as he smugly takes another step forward, confidence in his sneaking, only to trip over his own foot and hit the floor.

The counter was adorned with all sorts of cooking ingredients: Flour was spilled on the counter, a few egg shells, and a series of bottles with a series of names like “vanilla extract”. A large bowl was in Abby's arms as she tied to whisk it under Preachy’s supervision. Abigail was wearing a scarlet apron, like Preachy, and Cindy wore a bib, to not feel left out, or so, Preachy thought.

“The first batch it ready and… oh! It seems we ran out of foil cups. Could either of you, please,grab some more.” Preachy asked, knowing that one of the two would procure exactly what she was looking for.

She pivoted around and slid the first batch into the oven. As she took a step back she knocked into Cindy, sputtering across the floor to Abigail with the aforementioned cupcake holders. Preachy steadied herself and then looked over to Cindy.

“Cindy. Remember, no running in the kitchen!” While her voice didn't escalate in volume, it did in tone. She then sighed, dropping her hand from her hip and lowering her pointer finger. “That goes for you too Abigail. Now let's finish off these cupcakes.”

Together, and under tight supervision, Abigail and Cindy successfully filled another batch of cupcakes. As Preachy turns to address Abigail, a loud thud resonates from the hall, bringing a reading silence to the girls at work.

Both Abigail and Cindy perked up, in perfect unison, and jolted their eyes towards the hall as the echoes reach the furthest corners of the household.

“Pineponderpine is home!”


Preachy turned her head towards the hall, her amber eyes scanned the entrance. “Ponder?”

“No?” He replied.

“Ponderosa Graced Pine come out here this instant.” Preachy commanded with all the might and confidence of her older brother, the lieutenant. Ponder slowly walked out of the hall, hands in the air as if he were being arrested.

“I'm home.” He softly chuckled.

Abby furrowed her brows as she saw the scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. “Why you covered up? It not cold? And not covered properly?” She pointed at him still struggling to take off his jacket, but not the scarf.

“It's a fashion choice.”

“F-fashion?” Abby repeated, in general only liking clothes for the pockets, this topic would be another barrel for another time.

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