(6): Counting

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- Day two of imprisonment -
(Present time)

Lance woke up crumpled on the floor with a headache. His body protested mightily at his position, protesting even more when he tried to correct it.

He looked down to see the source of this, and immediately his breath hitched.

He was covered in burns, all in various stages of degree that mottled his mocha skin.

His bullet wound on his right arm was surrounded by charred, cracked and blackened skin that lead to blistered red skin. While the third-degree burn was numb, he could feel every flare of pain that shot through the second-degree burn which encompassed the complete area inside the hole.

The rest of him wasn't faring much better, as it was littered with second- and first-degree burns that announced their presence with incredible pain.

Lance suppressed the urge to be sick as the scent of burned flesh diffused around him, inhaling short, shuddering breaths in an attempt to calm himself.

He lifted his head to the ceiling, closing his eyes as if that would help him ignore what he had just seen.

Sure, things could be much worse, he assured himself, pointedly ignoring the stench. Everything's fine. It's okay. There is a silver lining to this situation, I'm sure of it. He paused, taking in a deep breath. I just have to find it.

When he opened his eyes again, making sure to keep them straight ahead and not at his injuries, he realized that he was alone. He knew the only reason for that was because torturing him while he was unconscious would be a waste of Haggar's time, and that as soon as he made one sound, she would be back in to continue the job, but even then he decided that it counted.

I wonder what the rest of the team is doing right now, he wondered. It was a good distraction. Pidge and Hunk probably have escaped already because of this, so that's another silver lining that I can add to my list.

Suddenly, the silence was broken with a scream that tore through the metal wall of his cell, breaking through his thoughts. Lance winced at the sound as it grew louder and more strained.

His heart ached for the prisoner next to him since he knew what they must be going through. He wouldn't wish that sort of suffering on anyone.

The sound had continued for about fifteen doboshes until he couldn't stand it anymore.

He had to do something. He was done just lying around. He had to help, even if it meant drawing attention to himself.

I will not be a witness to someone else's agony when I have the power to stop it.

"Stop. S - STOP!" He yelled at the top of his lungs and his voice cracked from the lack of water. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!"

Immediately, the screaming halted, and Lance was filled with a sense of victory that had an undertone of dread. He had accomplished what he meant to do, but he knew what was coming, and the fact that it would cost him.

And he was okay with it.

It's all for them. You suffer so they don't have to.

The door in front of him slid open and Haggar and her druids stepped through. Her sickly yellow eyes bore through him as she said, "You're selfless, I'll give you that." She bent down and took his chin in her hand, this time caressing his cheeks gently. "But. . . ." She grinned as one of her nails carved a red line down his cheek. "You're selfless to a fault."

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