Fresh Start

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One year later, 5 years after Battle of Yavin, The Galactic Civil War came to an end with The Battle of Jakku. Those who remained loyal to The Empire retreated and hidden themselves in the Unknown Regions. Jay and The others celebrated with great honor. With the war over, Jay and his friends head back to Earth to live out their days. Jay returned to Earth and see his boys from The 1st Militia there to great him, his sister and his friends. While Jay met with his comrades, Mace Windu told Jay that he defeated Darth Ozrizo. He died along with The Crew on his Imperial Star Destroyer, that below up from an X Wing Squadron. Jay was pleased; but, Along with happiness, sadness follows. Well Jay and Alex were away, their parents, Ramobry And Karjay Lyon, had died. They had learned how to become a Force Ghost and became one with The Force. Jay and Alex felt sadness at their parents deaths. Jay continue to carry on their legacy. One month later, Jay and Alex visited The Newly Built Jedi Temple. Construction was completed in 2040, during The Galactic Civil War. The Total Cost to build it was a total of $40,000,000, which President Lyons helped paid. With special premission form Master Kandra, Jay asked to see Shizuka. They waited in The Grand Hall and saw Kandra stepping down with Shizuka. Jay, in respect, bowed to Shizuka and she bowed in return.

Jay: Shizuka....It's a pleasure to meet you. I am your uncle, Jay Lyon.

Shizuka: It's a pleasure to meet you too, Uncle Jay.

Jay: You have a wonderful mother and you must be very proud.

Jay placed his hand on her head, which caused her to blush with happiness

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Jay placed his hand on her head, which caused her to blush with happiness. Alex watch with happiness and Jay began to tell her stories of his time as a Padawan, when he join The 1st Pennsylvania, how she made Alex and more. Shizuka is amazed by all of the stories Jay is telling.

Two years later, 7 ABY "2045", Marcarl Bufblow ask Joellex's hand in marriage. Joellex agreed. Jay and Mollbry agreed to their marriage. Weeks later, Marcarl and Joellex were officially married. Later that evening, Jay would briefly duel Darth Dredra and kill him during Joellex's and Marcarl's Wedding reception. In 9 ABY, Year 2047, Joellex Lyon gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Jade Lyon. She was born on June 8th, 2047. Jade was brought to The Earth's Jedi Council and immediately was to begin her Jedi Training. Around the same time, Jay received a message from Luke. Luke has restoring The Jedi Order and asked Jay, his family and his friend to join him. Jay agreed and tell him we would be there. Jay told Mollbry and the others that Luke has restored that Jedi Order and ask us to join him. Before Alex left to join Luke's Jedi Order, Alex asked Shizuka to be taken to The Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, located in Osaka, Japan. A week later, Jay said good bye to everyone and traveled to Luke's Jedi Temple. Jay arrived at Luke's Jedi Academy with his friends and family. Jay, Mollbry, Jar, Alex, Maldan, James and Martin became members and got a seat on a the council.

They soon arrived Luke's Jedi Order and Joellex's and Marcarl watched as their child, Jade, train as a Jedi. Jay and Mollbry had a seat on The Jedi Council and Luke was made Jedi Grand Master. While The Jedi train, A new enemy was rising from The Ashes from The Empire....The First Order and Supreme Leader Snoke. Jay, Luke and rest of the order kept an eye open and an ear out for any attacks from The First Order. Many years passed for Jay and the others. Jay has watched his granddaughter grew in her training. Jay foresees her becoming a great Jedi, like Anakin. Jay learned that his Master, Mace Windu, died in 25 ABY, Year 2064. Jay was depressed about his master's passing. Jay thought he would lived on to see The Jedi live on. But, alas, nothing lasts forever. Like everyone, age comes. Jay has been moving slowly now a days. In the year 2066, In The month of September, it happened. Jade was away with Jedi Master Hubro on a training mission until One day, while walking around The Jedi Temple, Jay fainted and rushed to his bed. Word of this reached Joellex, Marcarl, Alex, Jar, Mollbry and Luke. They rushed over to Jay's bed. Luke could sensed it....Jay was dying. On September 11th, 2066, Just 27 years after The Battle of Yavin, Jay took a turn for the worst. There, around his head, is his friends and his family. There, next to his side, is Luke and his apprentice, Ben Solo. Mollbry, Joellex, Mace and Marcarl are by his side. Joellex was on the verge of tears. Jay talked low and weak at his children.

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