Old memories

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So I'm back in my office after my meeting with my boss. I'm ready to go on with my day and dig into some work. As I'm doing my work here comes Nadine , I know what she's here for she wants to know how it went with my boss.

" Before you ask anything it went well okay he didn't fire me so I'm busy doing work" I told her

" So you don't gotta be rude , don't you know I'm human too , oh crap that's not how the song goes " said Nadine

She has the most annoying voice so funny and sweet it kind of reminds me of Victor. Victor is my ex , the man I think to this date was the only man I truly loved but he left and when he did I was shattered into a million pieces.

Noticing the sad look on my face Nadine knew who I was thinking about it had been months but I still wasn't over Victor I was trying but he was too hard to get over.

Nadine looks at me with concerned eyes and says " I think it's time you got over him sweety, I know it's hard but he's not doing anything for you but making you sad he walked away from a beautiful strong woman who loved him and would do anything for him and if you ask me a person who walks away from you doesn't deserve you".

" I know Nadine it's not like I don't wanna get over him I really do"

" you know what you need , you need to go on a date , you need someone in your cookie jar" , Nadine had that look in her eye after she said that and I know what she meant

" no , no , no I'm not going on another blind date the last guy you set me up with made me pay for dinner and had me take him out for ice cream , did I mention I had to drive him home and he asked me for 50 dollars. Nope, sorry I'm not going through this again"

I walked out the room god knows I need fresh air and some coffee

I went into the coffee room to get me so me coffee and I was back in my office closed the door behind and I sat and I began to think oh I hate thinking. I kept asking myself questions

What did I do wrong ?

What was my fault ?

I could remember our break up like if it was yesterday

It's over Kathy , I think we should go our separate ways

Wait what , why are you saying this I mean I know we have problems but we can work them out give me some more time

Time , Kathy you never have time , you don't even treat me like your boyfriend anymore you don't even say I love you anymore

Excuse me if I work around here and I just don't throw the word all over the place but you must know I love you

I love you Kathy I really do but I just can't do this

If you love me Victor you won't leave me ,tears streaming down my face

I love you enough to let you go ,goodbye

He kisses my forehead

I run after him

Victor please don't go I'll try harder , I'll do better please don't leave me

Im sorry Kathy but it's best

After that I found Victor was cheating on me with one of my friends

I don't which hurt me more but I was hurt like hell . I spent weeks crying begging him to comeback but he had already moved on and I was just hopeless

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