Davey's the only one with his head in the game

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Davey woke up with excitment in the back of his mind. One week. One week until school, and Davey was ready to start junior year..... his friends on the other hand...

There was banging on Henry's door.

"Henry get the hell out of bed and the hell out of the house! I don't want to see you here until tomorrow! You got that!?" Henry's dad yelled.

"Yes, dad." he responded, rolling out of bed and putting himself together asap. Henry bolted for the door and left without a goodbye.

"JoJo! Jake! Time to get up!JoJo has his drivers test this morning!" JoJo's mom yelled from down stairs. JoJo became immune to loud noises, except for his mothers wakeup calls. Jake was one of JoJo's younger siblings.

JoJo and Jake ran down the stairs to be greeted by JoJo and Jake's seven other younger siblings.

"JoJo, once you get your license, can you help me get everyone from place to place?" JoJo's mom asked him.

"Yea sure."

Jack woke up to the smell of eggs, again. Not that he had a problem with it, his foster mom, Medda, made the best eggs ever. Jack made his way down the stairs and sat himself at the table.

"Morning Jack. We are going up to the school to set up my room today, and don't worry Davey and Sarah will be there too, their mom needs to set up for Spanish." Medda said, putting eggs infront of Jack.

"Thanks,mom. I think Davey is having everyone over tonight for a last sleepover beofre school, can I go?"

"As long as there is no funny business." Medda replied.


"Just kidding, of course you can go."

One car ride later and Jack was helping Medda get boxes from her car and into the theatre room.

"Anymore drama in your gigantic group of friends?" Medda asked, she was kinda like the mom that everyone loved, most hangouts were at her house, she taught drama club, and she always made cookies.

"I think JoJo and Sniper have a thing for each other." Jack said, setting a box of costume rack pieces on the road.

"How about you and Davey? Still together?"

"Yes, mom." Jack laughed.

Jack and Davey walked the halls of the school leaving Sarah, Davey's twin sister, to help Medda and Ms.Jacobs set up for school.

"You coming to my place tonight? You're the only one that hasn't RSVP yet." Davey asked, fingers intertwined with Jacks.

"I will be there, who else is coming?" Jack asked.

"No one isn't coming."

"Woah you realize that's like.... 24 people right? Is your mom okay with that?"

"Yea, but if you guys make a bad impression, my mom won't allow it anymore."

"Woah hey, not all of us are assholes here!" Jack said, putting his hands up and acting attacked.

"Language, and that was more directed toward people like Race and Henry."

One more car ride later, Jack, Davey and Sarah we're setting up.

"Sarah, those cookies will last Race and Spot for half the night, we need more?" Davey said as Sarah set a full plate of cookies on the coffee table. When Davey gets stressed out he becomes extremely bossy.

"Fine. I'm calling Kathrine to help me make more."

"Cmon Sarah-"

"Nope. Shh. If you boyfriend can be here then my girlfriend can be here."

"Sarah don't you think-"

"I don't wanna hear it, David!" Sarah stormed into the kitchen, phone in hand.

"What's her problem?" Jack asked.

"Girls are confusing, trust me I live with two."

"True that."

There was a knock at the door. Jack answered.

"Hey, Kath."

"Hey, Jack! Davey. Where's Sarah?"


The Jacobs' house was weird, there was a door into the kitchen, and it was the only entrance. Kathrine walked in to find Sarah cracking an egg into a bowl.

"Hey beautiful." Kathrine said, walking to Sarah and hugging her.

"I've got egg on my hands so unless you want it in your hair I'd let go." Sarah said, jokingly.

"Ha ha very funny."

The girls continued to make cookies until Sarah got bored. She went into the pantry, grabbed a bag of flour, took a handful, and chucked it at Kathrine's face. Katherine screamed and giggled.

"You little-" she made a ball of cookie dough and smeared it all over Sarah's face. Kathrine somehow managed to get the flour from Sarah and cover her head to toe. Sarah grabbed some off the floor and dumped it on Kathrine's head. Sarah suddenly sneezed and the flour went everywhere, sending Kathrine into a fit of giggle, which made her fall over and drag Sarah down with her. The girls were sprawled out on the floor, laughing their guts out, flour EVERYWHERE, when Davey walked in.

"What. The. Heck." Davey looked at his sister, then to Kathrine, and then he stated cracking up. "Oh-oh my god you two clean this up!" He said between laughs.

People started arriving, bringing candy, brownies, and fruit bowls, which would only be touched by Davey and maybe Kathrine.

"Hey guys!" Race said as everyone found places to sit. "I'm making a pact this year. If you wanna join put your hand on top of mine. The pact is, no fruits at all this year. Whoever makes it farthest into the year without eating fruit wins."

Spot, Albert, Buttons, Romeo, Tommy Boy, Kid Blink (he uses this as an excuse to not eat), Splasher, Smalls, Hot Shot, and Sarah put their hands in.

"Oh lord." Specs said, looking defeated and disappointed.  

"Hey guys," JoJo's voice came from one of the Crowded Couches, "I failed my drivers test. My mom's disappointed in me, and my siblings won't stop teasing me."

"Oh I'm sorry JoJo," Sniper said.  

"It's okay, I guess I'm telling you guys that I'm still gonna be taking the bus until I don't fail."

"Ha ha."

"What movie are we watching?" Smalls asked, seated net to her brother Tommy Boy.

"High School Musical!" Race shouted. 

"Absoloutely not." Spot, Races boyfriend, said.

"Oh cmon! It'll be fun!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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