Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey I'm back! Here's chapter two for those who wanted to see more.


A yelp could be heard through the thick wooden door along with a slight groan.

Blurry chestnut colored eyes opened to see a rather lack luster room. Sitting up from his position on the hard wood like floor, he surveyed the room which consisted of a queen sized bed with dark blue sheets and blankets, a wooden writing desk with a table lamp, a wooden wardrobe with a floral pattern, a red current which held back sunlight from the room, and two plain looking doors.

Biting his lip as he stood, pain shot up his hip from his landing as he stumbled for balance, using the nearest wall for support. Taking a deep breath, the brunet walked tentatively to the nearest door and grabbed the golden yellow metal and turned the knob, opening the door he found what was so obviously the bathroom; with its porcelain white toilet, sink, and tub.

A blue rug placed in the center of the white tiled floor, and a small cabinet could be spotted next to the porcelain toilet, one could guess it held necessities like soap, shampoo, and towels, and over the sink was a simple mirror. So a rather ordinary bathroom. Closing the door, Dipper walked over to the next door that was across the curtained window. Wrapping his hand around the knob, he went to turn it, only to find it locked. So he's trapped.

A sigh escaped the teen, he turned and leaned against the locked door. Thoughts trying to process all that had just happened. He made a deal with an all powerful dream demon, okay, but he also offered for the demon to do whatever he wanted to him. A shutter made its way down the teens back at the thought of what the demon could possibly do to him, but he was doing this to protect his family, it was for them. As long as he was keeping them and the rest of the world safe, he would live. Calming his breaths, chestnut colored eyes gazed upon the red current. Well if this is where he'll be staying, might as well as to see what it looks like.

Opening the curtain, his eyes widen as his breath caught in his throat at what laid before him behind the glass, there seemed to be a decent sized community not too far from the building he was in, he could see, what seemed to be, demons going about their day. There wasn't a lot, but maybe just a tad more than the population of Gravity Falls. Different shapes, forms, and sizes were scattered about, and from the angle he was seeing at he had to be three stories up at least. However that wasn't what made him freeze, it was more of the fact that everything, other then the demons, were in shades of monochrome. The ground, buildings, even the sky had no true color. Just like when one meets with Bill in the Mindscape.

"So this is the Nightmare Realm..."

As his eyes continued to gaze outside he came to find that there was color, looking straight down he could see vibrant greens on the ground, and red and yellows on the sides of the walls he could see.

"What the heck?"

He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't hear the sounds of an unlocking and opening door, along with the sounds of footfalls, each set falling closer to the teen.

"Enjoying the view Pine Tree?"

Dipper jumped as he spun on his heels to see the one behind him. A man with a slight tan stood before him, he wore a grey button up shirt with a yellow button up vest with a brick design at the bottom, and a black bowtie. He had black dress pants and dress shoes, shined without a scruff. The tan man had short messily brushed golden blond hair with a thin black top hat on top, and his eyes, well more like eye, was a bright yellow, like a golden sun, while the other remained hidden behind a black eye patch.

The brunet stood stunned at man before him, his breath hitched as their eyes met. "B-Bill?"

A chuckle escaped the blond man as he stepped closer to the teen, "Who else would you be expecting kid?" He asked, his voice no longer holding the echo he was so used too.

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