Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm back! And here we go!

Dipper's chestnut eyes read through the words of the slightly yellowed pages from his most recent book, he was mildly invested in the story that the book held, a way to distract himself from his situation, and the conflicting feelings that fought in his chest when he tried to clear his head.

A sigh escaped the brunet as he closed the book with one hand and laid his body back onto the now book cluttered bed, dropping the book to the floor and laying his other arm over his eyes, his thoughts starting to swirl again. It's been maybe a month since his attempted suicide, and when he received his little deerfox friend from the chaotic dream demon that held him in the Nightmare Realm. He's gotten close to the little hybrid, as there was no one else to talk to in his room, and he refused to leave it; wanting to avoid both Bill and the Henchmaniacs by any means necessary.

However, since he only had a non-verbally responsive companion he tends to get left alone with his thoughts, and recently his mind kept wandering to the blond dream demon, especially the last time he saw him. Crying, and looking guilt stricken.

For the first couple of weeks, Dipper tried to brush it off as another way of messing with his mind, only for him to fall for another one of his screwed up tricks; but as the weeks went on he's been having second thoughts on his original conclusion.

His mind had been going back to before, the times when Bill would sit and listen to him and seemed genuinely interested when they'd read together in the library, even when he woke up with Bill cuddling him while he slept. Other then the times when Bill would whip his back when he was considered 'out of line', it wasn't that awful being around him, spoiling him with books and even an item to see his family, even if they couldn't do the same with him. Then Bill just comes in out of nowhere and defiles him, although Dipper would admit that the dream demon didn't seem like himself when it happened, it was as if he was possessed.

And with how Bill reacted to him trying to kill himself, it could confirm it, but all it did was confuse him, cause when he thinks even deeper when he spent time with Bill after a month of being forced to be near him, he felt like his heart was trying to pound out of his chest when the demon would brush up against him, and his face would turn scarlet when he woke up with Bill's arms wrapped around him. His sister would probably say that he's fell for the blond, but Dipper wasn't sure if he wanted to think like that, especially after everything that he's put him and his family through.

His thoughts were about to go another round, only feel something soft brush against his dangling hand, slightly startled, the brunet jerked his arm away and sat up on the bed, his widen eyes searching the floor, only to see his dark furred animal friend on the ground with a book in his mouth, his head slightly tilted with his bright pink eyes sparkling with confusion.

Dipper chuckled at himself for being paranoid, he patted the free spot next to him on the blue blankets, "Come on Flynn."

The newly named Flynn made a noise but proceeded to jump up next to his human, hitting the mark without much trouble, and dropping the book he had in the brunet's lap. In the past month Flynn had grown a few inches and had an easier time getting onto the bed nowadays, and during the past month he knew his human was getting bored so he decided to get books from the nearby book room so he'd have something to be occupied with and wouldn't have to leave the room.

A small smile made it's way on Dipper's face as he ran his fingers through the hybrid's fur, "Thanks again Flynn, so let's see what you got today."

He opened the red hardback book and read the first few lines, instantly seeing that it was a more romantic type book. A slightly bitter smile made its way onto Dipper's face, romance and love, just some of the thoughts he wanted to ignore, giving a sigh he forced himself to march forward and go ahead to read it, after all, he didn't want to seem ungrateful for his friend's hard work, after all it had to be difficult for a small animal such as himself to try and get books off the shelves and carry them back here.

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