Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey it's Friday once again, so here's a new chapter for those who like what I have, so enjoy!


The day after Bill's discovery Dipper woke to find a surprise for him.

Sunlight glistened on the room's floor as the early morning sun rose, lighting up the dim room. A light groan and the sound of ruffling sheets could be heard from the lump on the bed. The mound moved, raising up from it's place was the imprisoned brunet, blankets falling into his lap. His eyes remained closed as he stretched his arms out, a tired yawn escaping him. Tiredly, chestnut eyes opened, only for his brows to scrunch up in confusion; blinking and rubbing his eyes, he found that the scenery before him remained the same.

The room was larger then the one he fell asleep in, with dressers, shelves filled with knickknack, and paintings lining the walls, along with a white writing desk and 4 doors. Looking around the room he saw a bay window with black curtains pulled back, showing the grey landscape. Standing, the teen saw that the bed was now a king size with black sheets and yellow blankets, his new journal on the nightstand next to the bed, and a small stack of clothes next to it.

"What the heck?"

He was about to continue but was cut off by the sound of a door opening. Jerking his head towards the sound he found a lady in pink standing in the doorway, literally her skin was a heavy pink as she wore a hot pink revealing outfit; a lowcut tank top with ripped short shorts. White thigh high stalking's with hot pink heals. Her dark pink hair cut in a bob, her right eye covered by her bangs. Her once massive horns that stuck out of her head seemed to have shrunk down, now looking as if they're apart of a headpiece accessory. Her magenta eye looked at the teen before her, her eye heavily outlined in black, her lips a hot pink with a scowl. "Get yourself cleaned up, Master Bill wants you in the dinning hall . He's laid out your clothes and he expects you to wear them, no changes, so you better ditch the hat as well."

She turned and closed the door, leaving a confused Dipper in the bedroom. Taking a deep breath he decided to do as he was told, after all he was wanting to stay alive, and not doing as he's told could easily lead to his death, maybe even his families' as well. Removing his beloved hat, the teen sat it next to his journal and picked up the stack that was set before him. Walking to one of the doors, he randomly opened one and found the bathroom, a luxuries one at that. Gulping, the brunet closed the door and found the mirror, he looked at his reflection and saw that he was a disaster. His hair was an oily mess, his clothes was caked in filth and grime. His light blue jacket had obvious wear and tear, his jeans were ripped in many places and his shoes were barley holding together. His skin had gone a bit pale, and he had dark bags under his eyes, despite getting some actual sleep.

Sighing, the brunet began to strip out of his clothes revealing his slim figure. After riding himself of his filthy clothes he went over to the large shower and began to clean himself, not knowing he was being watched.


In Gravity Falls

The residence of Gravity Falls have done began to build back their destroyed town, most residence working together to build shelters and help the injured heal. All seemed fine in the town, all except the for the busted up shack in the woods, with block letters attached to the steep roof and a rotting wooden porch. In the building stood a small crowd of people. A set of elderly twins, a young adult red head, a big man with a question mark t-shirt, a blond teen, a raven with a black jacket, an old man with a long white beard, a white haired teenage boy, and a brunet girl with two girls around her trying to comfort her and a pink pig following. All with worried and distraught faces, it's been two days since Bill Cipher put off Weirdmegeddian in favor of taking Dipper with him instead.

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