Chapter 15

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Let's get this show on the road!


A loud grunt of frustration echoed through the room when the crashing sound of books hit the wooden floor, breaking the silence. 

In the now dully colored room, Dipper stood in the middle of the floor with a handful of books sprawled in front of him, his chestnut eyes glaring down at the mess before him, "This isn't working."

Bill, who was sitting on the bed, gave a small chuckle at the pouting brunet, "You can't master a spell overnight Pine Tree. It took me many years to be the expert that I am now, there's no need to rush."

Dipper met Bill's gaze for a moment, only to turn away with a frown, he wanted to get this right, after all this time with him in the mansion reading books about magic from the library, he still couldn't do a simple levitation spell! 

"Hey, don't get down in the dumps, you'll get the hang of it. Knowing your brains you'll be as great as me."

A small smile made it to the teen's face, he turned and faced the tanned demon, his blue hair had slowly started to fade, with many blond strands shining through, and his eye were regaining its golden shine, even with the baby blue coloring most of his iris. His hair was brushed back, and he wore a loose pale yellow t-shirt, and long black pants, his feet were bare and he had a smile on his face, much like the ones from before.


"Okay, now try again and this time, really focus, keep your mind open, but your target the main objective."

The brunet sighed but nodded, he reached his arm out an opened his hand, closing his eyes he started to focus on the books on the floor, a pale blue aura appeared around the books and they started to inch off the ground little by little when the mortal closed his open hand, Bill watched with a smile. It's only been a week since Dipper started to learn how to do magic and he's doing so well for a mortal, sure he was struggling, but even he did with some of his magical endeavors.

The books were now hovering many feet in the air, causing Bill's smile to widen. "Open your eyes Pine Tree."

Slowly opening his eyes, Dipper saw that the books were floating above him, causing a large smile to spread across his face. "I-I did it. I really did it! Yes!"

Dipper went to throw his fist in the air, only for the aura to flicker and cause the books to fall to the floor once again. The brunet let out a groan as his shoulders sank, "Don't get upset, before you know it you won't even need to think about it, it'll all come second nature to ya."

The teen turned to look at the dream demon with a small smile, "Thanks Bill."

Said demon grinned as he patted the free spot next to him on the bed, "I think that's enough for today, you meatsacks use a lot of energy and I don't want my blossoming tree to pass out on me."

Dipper rolled his eyes, but his smile didn't waver, he's been here in the same room with Bill for going on three weeks now and things have been going good. Bill's old self seemed to be peaking through, not the psychotic aspects of it, and he seemed to be doing better; he was smiling and making wisecracks again, granted the teen didn't like the dream demon poking at the faults of being human but he let it slide as it was helping the blond heal.

"Alright Mr. Magic expert." Dipper sighed as he walked over to the bed and took his spot by Bill, subconsciously leaning his head on the demon's shoulder, a warm feeling spreading through his chest as he nuzzled his cheek into Bill's shirt material. He allowed his eyes to droop to a close when he felt Bill's arm wrap around his shoulder, pulling him closer to the blond's warm body.

Bill's golden eye watched as Dipper's breathing began to even out into a steady pattern, putting a soft smile on his tan face, he then gently moved the teen into the bed correctly so the both of them could lay comfortably. Laying the soft blanket on top of their bodies, Bill kept his arm wrapped around the youth's form, resulting in the sleeping brunet to cuddle onto the blond's chest, letting out a sigh of content. Bill gave a soft smile as he nuzzled his chin into Dipper's growing curly hair.

He felt a slight dip in the bed around his feet, taking a glace he saw that it was Flynn curling up around their feet, letting out a quit but wide yawn before laying his head down and closing his eyes. Bill gave one last smile before resting his eye as well, lulling himself to his thoughts of the past few weeks and how far they've come.

A few days after Dipper moved into the room with Bill, the two actually started to talk things out, Bill explained everything from the beginning from his actions towards the teen, to his broken deals, and his plans to ruin other dimensions. And after all that had happened within the past few months he's felt nothing but crushing guilt, he never wanted to end up like this, he wanted to be a tough, but respected leader of the Nightmare realm; not a murderous monster lashing out at anyone who dared give him a dirty look.

He wanted to do so much good, open the eyes of many to see beyond truth and see what more was out there, unlike those in his home dimension that he and Stardust set ablaze. That was their plan ruling the realm together, but when they perished, Bill couldn't help but lash out at everyone while his guilt festered into something more dangerous.

Now learning to let go and start over, it suffocated him. Many lives he ruined with how much destruction he caused. However, Dipper just held his hand and talked him though it all. There was nothing he could do to fix the past, but maybe he could help make a better future. 

Bill practically clung to Dipper during the first week, kept thanking and apologizing to him, and explaining,  while Dipper just ran his fingers through his blue hair while Flynn nuzzled in their laps as a form of comfort. The second week consisted of Dipper trying to get Bill out of bed and cheer him up, they didn't leave the room, but he was able to get Bill to walk around, and they were able to just talk, not about the bad or Bill constantly apologizing, just regular talk like before. When Dipper brought up a certain kind of book Bill got an idea.

He wanted to teach Dipper magic, all that there was. It would not only serve as a great pastime, but it would expand on Dipper's love for knowledge to actually learn magic. So with the help of Flynn, they were able to get some books on the studies of magic, and spell books and the training process began. With showing off form and technique, Dipper was able to go ahead and start hands on magic.

And it took all the way up till now for Dipper to complete his first spell, and thanks to the fact that he and Stardust held the parts of the same soul he did it much quicker then any mortal could ever dream, even though it still took a bit of time, but maybe after a few more spells, he'll be able to learn them in less then a day.

During their time together Bill's hair and visible eye has been slowly returning back to it's golden yellow. Much of it was still very blue, but there were many blond streaks of gold in his messy hair, and golden specks in his eye. He was getting the pieces back, and he really wouldn't be able to do so without Dipper, heck he would still be an insane monster had he never found the boy in the first place, and gave into their deal.

Bill frowned as he pulled Dipper closer to his chest in a protective hold. This kid gave up so much to protect his family, and he took away their memories. A look of confliction crossed his face, Dipper's done so much for him. He'll pay him back, he just needs to heal himself first with Dipper by his side, because if he doesn't he won't be able to go on existing.

Resting his eyes, he fell asleep into a pleasant dream with his Pine Tree.


Hey guys, sorry this chapter is shorter then the others, but the next one will longer I swear. So Bill is getting himself back together and Dipper is learning magic, progress is happening! What do you think guys think will happen next? Am I still keeping them in character? Tell me what you think.

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