
978 49 13

Dustin snorted when he flipped the ticket and his eyes went over what was scribbled but I didn't miss the light blush that rose to his cheeks, neither did Jen who started teasing him.

"Dustin got an admirer." She said in a sing song voice, throwing a wink my way and joined her.

"Nathan was his name."  I added smiling.

My mind didn't fail to register the surface we were walking on, it was hard and concrete, our heels clicking making a sound. Eagerly, my eyes roamed the surrounding, there were some few people standing by but as soon as my feet met with a sandy ground, I saw the crowd of people.

The faces of the people who were in the ground were clearly visible and I instantly realised we don't hang around the same cliques.

The ground was stretched far and wide. My eyes unable to see the end of it. Huge, tall lamp posts were erected around the ground, lighting the whole place up and I noticed the race track following a zig zag pattern. My eyes trailed the track but couldn't make out from where it started and ended.

"Oh hush!" Dustin shushed us but his smile was evident. "What about you, Missy?" He fired the questions to me getting my attention.

"What about me?" My eyes averted from his and once again trailed around our surrounding.

I was glad with Dustin choosing this outfit for us or else Jen and I would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Every girl and I mean, every girl had mini skirts on and a leather jacket, barely covering their bra or the tiny cloth they wore underneath and elegantly walking in heels like a pro.

The boy were mostly in black and leather jacket. Was a leather jacket a mandatory thing around here? Most of them had tattoos and a lot of piercings.

I winced a little when I saw a boy with at least six piercings on his face, that looked painful.

"Don't act all oblivious." Dustin rolled his eyes on me. "Nathan's twin was gawking at you."

Jen chuckled at his words before nodding her head. "I noticed that too."

I chose not to comment. I wasn't new to those kind of looks, especially from boys, in fact I was pretty familiar with it but chose to ignore. If I didn't entertain them, I don't have to answer anyone.

"Anyway, what's going to happen now?" As soon as the question left my mouth, we hears a loud honk.

"Oh shit, it's starting." Dustin squeaked, his arms freeing us before I felt his death grip over my wrist. He started pulling us towards the direction from where the sound had came from.

Jen and I let out a surprised squeal and tries to keep up with his pace. "If only I didn't wear this damn shoes." Jen complained, eyes glaring at Dustin.

"Look around honey, if it wasn't for me you won't even be allowed to enter with the clothes you had in mind." Dustin shot back smugly.

My eyes rolled at their bickering. "Slow down, will you?" My request turned to deaf ears and we were hauled around like a sack of potatoes.

Dustin was leading us towards the crowd which was growing larger by every passing second. He stopped walking when we reached the crowd.

"Come on." He strained to neck to look ahead but to no avail. "Don't let go." He turned to me before Jen as he said that.

"You don't let go of us." Jen hissed at him, snatching the  words right out of my mouth. Dustin was the one holding our wrist, not the other way around.

Without bothering to respond, Dustin blew out a breath before he dove head first into the crowd, trying to make space for him to enter and a better view of whatever was happening.

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