7.| Good night.

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"This is so amazing." I gushed to Dustin as the race came to an end. My entire body felt alive and hyper aware of my surrounding as if I was the one who participated in the race.

My eyes couldn't look away from the fancy cars. They were beautiful.

Dustin smiled at me smugly. "Of course, this is TRACK 09." He emphasized the last three word.

"We should definitely be back next year." Jen's excitement was rolling off of her in waves. She was grinning so wide.

"Next year?"

"Well duh, it's a yearly event." Dustin cleared my doubts.

"Aww, that's a poop." I pouted.

I heard two collective chuckles from behind me and that's when I grew aware we were not alone but Dominick, Nathan and Joshua were with us.

As if we were old buddies, someone I was overly comfortable with, Dominick ruffled my hair. "Don't worry, I will save a ticket for you next year."

With a scowl, I slapped his hand away and soothed my hair back in place. But his words struck me, next year. Was he implying something I didn't want to accept?

"What about me?" Dustin frowned.

"I will get a ticket for you." Nathan patted Dustin's hand that was linked with his. By now, they were super comfortable with each other and it has only been a couple of hours.

Jen cleared her throat looking awkward by the conversation that was going around. "I am perfectly capable of buying my own ticket." She proudly stated making me smile.

"We should head back home." Dustin declared looking down at his phone, probably to check the time.

Nathan nodded at his words. "It's getting late you sh-" He was cut of by a ringing of a phone, his brows furrowed and he looked confused for a second.

"That's your phone ringing, dip shit." Joshua rolled his eyes at his brother who had a sheepish smile on his face. He was so adorable.

He cursed loudly before sharing a knowing look with Joshua who looked as pale as him. He accepted the call and started talking. "Yes..." He spoke softly almost cooing. "No, of course not." His face marred in disbelief. "Don't you believe your own son..." He bit his lip and remained quite probably listening to whatever the other person was saying over the phone. After a while, his eyes widen and he pulled the phone away from his ear.

Meeting Joshua stare, he rasped out. "Fuck, we're dead."

"Shit." Joshua raked a hand over his hair. "What is it this time?"

"PS4." Nathan replied with a grimace.

I was getting a vague idea what it might be about but I found their reactions and conversation so comical to comment anything on it.

Joshua groaned while Dominick chuckled earning a glare from the two boys. Amusement was written all over his face and he raised his arms in the air with a knowing smile. "You can drop by my place any day to play." He offered.

Before anyone of the twin could reply, Joshua's phone rang. "Shit." He cursed again when he saw the caller id.

"I think, you both should stop wasting your time and run for your car before that gets confiscated too." Dominick joked but that's what the two brothers did but not before throwing a glare his way and yelling a hurried apology our way for their early return.

"Drive safe." Dustin yelled at their back while Jen and I waved at them. I wanted to laugh at their reaction but at the same time felt bad for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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