Before Part 1

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My Work, My Life, My Downfall
Alysha Hill
All I did was break a couple boys noses.
I was just 12 years old.
But that didn't matter to them, the CIA.
They recruited me. They told me that what they saw wasn't like anything they'd ever seen. I was so confused. That's when they showed me the video footage from one of the schools many security cameras.
I was standing opposite the two boys. Brothers. One with brown hair and dark greenish grey eyes, the other blonde with brown eyes. They were snickering at me, I was cornered on the playground. The one with brown hair pushed me.
I watched as the scene played out. It felt weird to see this past action that occurred only yesterday.
I snapped and diver at the boy. I swiped his legs from under him in a swift movement my fist connecting with his nose as he went down which broke it easily. The blonde came at me but I ducked and punched the boy in the gut. He doubled over and I leaped into the air, spun and kicked him in the face, breaking his nose as well. After that I brushed myself off and walked away.
"You have talent. Those moves were executed perfectly. Were you trained by someone?" The head of the CIA asked.
"Of course not. It just came to me. Like it was completely natural. I've never done it before." I replied with narrowed eyes.
"You're just what we need." The head of the CIA smiled widely.
That's when my life began.
I was trained in fighting and weaponry. I soon was the best in the CIA, both junior and senior. Sometimes the older agents came to me for help.
When I turned 18 the goverment agency in New York rang me. They wanted to hire me. They knew I was good and said they could use someone with my skills. I wanted to leave New Orleans behind, try something new so I agreed. I went to New York. The agents were kind, caring, welcoming. There was a girl my age. She too was a brilliant agent. She however was even better than me. The best in the whole agency and the best that there ha ever been. Her name, Maddison Hast.
We became best friends, often going out on missions together. We were unbeatable.
Until the Diablos were added to the equation.
We were 19. During a charity part event where I was watching over Melody and Antonio Masters who were with Maddison I never saw him. Neither did any of the other Agents. Jack Diablo, heir to the Diablo throne shot Melody five times, killing her on the spot. Maddison was knocked out cold and Jack disappeared without a trace. I hunted him. Needing to find him. It was impossible. He was gone.
Maddison left the agency. Saying she couldn't handle it. She however stayed on call, just in case she was needed. She was given all rights of an agent and if she needed help the agency would help. I kept in touch with her as much as I could but as time went on we grew distant and rarely contacted each other.
Pity. We were a great team and it just isn't the same without her. Life is harder at the agency. Nobody gets me like she did. Nobody was at my level even though I was younger than almost every one of them. There are no good points about Maddison leaving. Not one.
I get more missions than before. Because Maddison isn't here to do them. I've been to 185 different countries, I can hack into almost anything, I'm fluent in 17 languages and am capable of killing a full grown man with a stick of uncooked or even cooked spaghetti. I can walk the streets yet nobody would know I'm there and there would be no record of me being there, not even a piece of security footage. I'm untraceable. The second best to ever live. Maddison being the first.
I see her around sometimes. I do my best to hide. Nobody ever knows I'm there except for her. She can always find me. Whenever I watch her she always sends me a ghost of a smile or a slight nod of her head. I don't know how she does it. She see's straight through my camouflage every time. Every time I'm around her she sees me or sends me the slightest signal, telling me that she knows I'm there, her skill never ceases to amaze me.

One day when I was 21 I was in Cairo on a mission. A deadly arms dealer was meeting with his biggest client, a member of the Japanese Mafia. I was posted ontop of a building, watching the meeting take place through the scope of my sniper. My mission was to see what kind of weapons the arms dealer is handing away before shooting the arms dealer and following the mafia member. As I watched a rocket launcher being handed over I'm shocked to see the faint glimmer of a red laser light on the back of the mafia member.
The arms dealer takes the end of the rocket launcher off and pulls out a bag filled with a white substance. Something told me it wasn't cocaine or anything like that. I then remembered that these weapons were stolen in a poppy field. "He's dealing opium as well." I gasp. There's the slightest spray of blood and the mafia member drops to the ground dead, bullet straight through the head. Before the arms dealer runs out of view I shoot him dead.
Looking around I can't find the other shooter. I stood and turned around to come face to face to a man with messy brown hair and dark eyes. He stood watching me, his arms crossed. "Alysha Hill?" He asks and I narrow my eyes.
"Who wants to know?"
"Charlie Bray. IMF." He replies casually and I dismantle my gun. He was telling the truth.
"What does an Impossible Mission Force member want with me?" I say as I put my gun into my bag and walk to the edge of the building.
"I was assigned a mission." He replies and I look back at him.
"A mission involving me I assume?"
"You assume correctly." He says and I smirk.
"Well I need to go clean up the mess that's been made. If you want me you'll have to catch me and that's an impossible mission in itself." I chuckle. Unless your Maddison. I add in my head before jumping off the building and landing in the window of the one across from me.
I walk out the door before running down the stairs and out onto the street. A silver car sat down the road. I salute to it before slinging my bag over my shoulder and running. This is one of the things that I can do better than Maddison. I'm the fastest recorded runner out of every agent. The car starts and speeds after me. I turn down an alley with a dead end and scale the wall, climbing up onto the roof. I run along it and leap from building to building. Skidding to a stop on the roof of the building beside the meeting spot I scowl and curse to see the bodies and weapons were gone. All that was there was two small patches of blood.
I jump down and spin to face Charlie Bray. "What was this mission you had to complete to do with me?" I snarl as I drop my bag and slowly inch closer.
"To hire you. The IMF needs your assistance. We suspect there's a mole in the goverment agency you work for. Someone who sold the agency out to the Diablos. You interested?" He asks as he backs away, fear crossing his face as I scowl at him.
I stop and look at him in shock before smiling wickedly. "From Junior CIA, to goverment agency, to IMF. Sounds good to me. I'm in." I say and he smiles. The silver car pulls up and two other men step out.
"Welcome to the IMF miss Hill." They say and I shake their hands.
I hunt.
This is my work.
I help the people.
This is my life.
I work for the goverment and the IMF.
This will be my downfall.

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